25 February 2023

Good for 1 year olds


11 February 2023

Spring '23 degree completion deadlines

 SPRING 2023 Degree Completion Deadlines

Please note the following hard deadlines for Spring 2023 degree completion:

1) Graduate Application for Degree (GAFD) submission: March 15th* / May 4th
  • *NOTE: To be included in the Commencement program, the GAFD must be submitted by March 15th. 
2) Recommended deadline for electronic thesis/dissertation submissionMay 4th
3) Final deadline for electronic thesis/dissertation submissionMay 11th
4) Recommendation for Award form workflow submission: May 19th

All inquiries regarding the electronic Recommendation for Award form should be directed to the Office of Student Records via degree@binghamton.eduPlease also be sure to let their office know of any students who have submitted a GAFD and will not be graduating this Fall so that they cancel the student's GAFD. 

Departments are expected to review their degree candidates and the status of their Recommendation for Award Form workflow using the canned SAS query, "Graduate Degree Requirements Report." This report also shows missing requirements that may delay degree conferral, such as missing/incomplete grades and lack of continuous registration. SAS access can be requested via submission of the "Request Access to Canned Queries Form" that can be found on the right side of this webpage.

05 February 2023

pro or con

 I love this sign that I saw because it clearly feels very strongly but I can't tell which side it's on. I swear it's designed to be the duckrabbit of weird upstate political signs.