24 September 2021

Graduate School Travel Grants

 Graduate School Travel Grants

The Graduate School would like to remind graduate programs of the potential assistance available for graduate students.  Graduate School Travel Grants can be used for attendance at virtual conferences. There are several funding sources available by application on our website on the Research and Travel Funding page

The next Graduate School Travel Grant deadline is Friday, November 5th, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Applications should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file to graduate@binghamton.edu. 

Graduate Student Excellence Awards

 2021-2022 Graduate Student Excellence Awards - Call for Nominations

The Graduate School is seeking nominations for the 2021-2022 Graduate Student Excellence Awards. The submission deadline for nomination packets is Friday, November 5th, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. 

Nominations should be submitted by the student’s Graduate Director. Each program may nominate only two graduate students per category, per year. A student may be nominated for more than one category, but may receive only one award.

There are three award categories:
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Service & Outreach

In an effort to simplify and process nomination packets more efficiently, please organize your packet in the same order as shown on the appropriate checklist. Please be sure to include the appropriate checklist as the first item in your nomination packet.

Nomination packets must be submitted electronically - and in PDF format only. Hard copies and submissions that exceed one PDF file will not be accepted.

21 September 2021

Happy International Translation Day



Alternative work assignment update


Dateline Addition: Tuesday, September 21

A message from President Harvey Stenger

I am writing to rescind the recent requirement for staff to select alternative work assignments to meeting our needs for COVID-19 testing and isolation housing.

When vaccines became widely available and we saw a significant decrease in cases nationwide, we joined others throughout higher education in thinking that there would be much less need for surveillance testing, isolation housing and related services. Then the Delta variant changed things significantly, and we saw a rapid increase in positive cases during the first 10 days of September. The Delta variant, coupled with the current labor shortage affecting our community, hindered our flexibility to hire and quickly supplement our volunteer population. At the time, we saw an urgent need to develop additional capacity to meet the increase in cases we were seeing. However, more recently, the rate of positive cases is decreasing.

If you signed up last week and would like to withdraw your name, please send an email to VPoperations@binghamton.edu and you will be removed from the schedule.

At the same time, we encourage as many of you as possible to keep your names on the list of those who could be called on to assist as needed. Having a reservoir of staff able to be reassigned quickly will help us be ready to meet needs that may arise over the rest of the semester.

We are grateful for your help and thank you for your commitment to helping the University navigate the complex journey through the ongoing pandemic.

Harvey Stenger

Water usage

Stop curtailing. You are now required to use water as profligately, recklessly, wastefully as you can.

B-ALERT: Members of the campus community are asked to curtail unnecessary water usage until further notice while staff make repairs to a sewage line.  A communication will be sent out when regular water usage can be resumed.

B-ALERT UPDATE: Crews continue to make repairs to a campus sewage line. Unnecessary water usage should continue to be curtailed until further notice.

B-ALERT UPDATE: Repairs have been completed to the sewage line on the Vestal campus. Normal water use may be resumed.

Charles Mills died


20 September 2021

I didn't realize people didn't know about this

 ... until I saw this tweet

so here is the Stenger letter:

Dateline Addition: Monday, September 13

A message from President Harvey Stenger

The past 18 months have been difficult for all of us. Many of you have volunteered for roles on campus out of your comfort zone for longer than anticipated. Over time, these extraordinary efforts are beginning to strain our current volunteer base. Our campus culture needs to be one of shared responsibility. Although we have different titles, we have one common value: supporting our students. We cannot allow our colleagues who volunteer to continue to shoulder the burden. So now is the time we need to all step up to support them, our students and our campus.

We must continue to provide numerous services in our campus fight against COVID. These include the University’s Surveillance Testing Center, which will test upwards of 5,000 individuals per week and provide consultation to students and other operational services (meals, transportation, package delivery, etc.) to those in isolation or quarantine housing. Providing these services requires many resources and our staff of volunteers needs additional support.

Unfortunately, we have not been able to replenish our pool of volunteers so necessary to these COVID-related services, so beginning the week of Sept. 13, almost all staff will be required to sign up for a bi-weekly shift (two per month) for the remainder of the fall semester. We have worked with both UUP and CSEA to create this unique circumstance and there will be some exceptions to this requirement. Faculty, CSEA OSU employees and select professional staff who directly support our COVID efforts will be exempt. In addition, staff who are already volunteering will not need to sign up for additional shifts unless they desire to.

The following circumstances will apply:

• Staff filling roles during the week will do so instead of their regular job.
• Staff filling roles partially after or before their regular work hours will receive comp time or work with their supervisor to adjust their schedule accordingly.
• UUP staff who sign up for four 4-hour shifts on the weekends will receive $500 in extra service and complete their semester obligations. CSEA staff will receive a combination of comp time and overtime.

Shifts will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. To find the role that bests suits you, I would suggest signing up sooner rather than later. Those who wait until later in the process may not have a choice of roles or shifts. The entire cadre of slots will not be available immediately, so those who don’t fill available spaces immediately will be placed on a waiting list. Staff required to participate will be receiving an email from JoAnn Navarro at VPOperations@binghamton.edu later this morning with additional instructions and information.

This effort will take all of us pulling together to ensure that we can continue to provide quality support services to our students, faculty and staff! Thank you for all of your efforts.

Harvey Stenger

17 September 2021

Next (food-free) Brown Bag


Thursday, September 30th, noon-1pm

IASH Conference Room (LN-1106)

topic: Anca Gheaus, "The Best Available Parent"

COVID Vaccination/Exemption/Attestation Hard Deadline

 COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination, Exemption or Remote Attestation Deadline


All students must receive a COVID-19 vaccination and provide proof of their vaccination prior to Tuesday, September 28th, 2021The only exceptions to this requirement are for 1) students who have an approved exemption request (for religious or medical reasons) and 2) students who will have no physical presence on campus for the Fall 2021 semester. 

  • It is very important to note that no physical presence means that you will not enter campus at all during the semester: no stopping in to use the library, no travel to campus for a thesis/dissertation defense or a meeting with a faculty adviser or Graduate Director, etc.

More information and instructions for requesting an exemption, submitting your proof of vaccination or remote attestation form -- can be found on the Decker Health Services Center webpage here.

**Failure to provide proof of vaccination (without an approved exemption or remote attestation) prior to September 28th will result in your Fall 2021 enrollment being terminated with no opportunity to re-enroll for the semester, which could impact your time-to-degree or graduation. This is a hard deadline.

09 September 2021

New SPEL baby just out

Normally I don't post any identifying information on the public internet, but please welcome Ju Ju Gudenzi into the world:


03 September 2021

We're *way* worse than average

SUNY systemwide:


maybe everyone else is just undercounting even more than we are. (and they might be getting worse faster, but that's in part us accounting for a bigger share of the tests.) still, this seems inexplicably bad. let's hope the holidays slows things down.

