23 April 2020


Dissertation writing courses

The Graduate School is pleased to announce two new courses that will provide assistance with graduate student writing. Prof. Robert Danberg, Coordinator of Campus-Wide Writing Support, will be the instructor for both of these courses. For more information on Prof. Danberg's methods you can visit his blog for graduate student writers sponsored by the Binghamton University Writing Initiative: bit.ly/writebu

GRD 650: Seminar for Dissertation Writers, taught by Robert Danberg, will be offered for 1 credit in Summer 2020. This course will be a summer term III, synchronous online course. The course will meet weekly on Fridays from 10:00 - 11:00 am, although the meeting time may be flexible. 

GRD 699: Dissertation, taught by Robert Danberg, will be offered for 1 credit in Fall 2020ABD students can take this course in place of a departmental 699 course. To register, students should send their name and B number to Ms. Ellen Tilden (etilden@binghamton.edu). Course registration will be limited to 25 students.   

Both of these courses are designed to support dissertation writers in the process of completing their dissertations and provide a context for them to explore their developing identities as writers in their disciplines. Students can take either course at any stage of the process which requires active writing, research and production, including the prospectus process, and given unique departmental requirements. The course model is based on current research into writing productivity which emphasizes regular meetings to check progress, solve problems and structure goal setting as key to productivity. The courses will introduce students to a variety of approaches to productivity, planning and generating drafts, goal setting and academic style. The courses will also provide a framework for rhetorical inquiry that is intended to help clarify genre demands of dissertations in students' disciplines. Strategies for editing and proofreading will be addressed as well, and while the courses are not geared towards the needs of nonnative speakers in particular, those students’ issues will be addressed.

22 April 2020

Welcome to Mateo Duque!

Welcome to Mateo Duque, joining us in the Fall from CUNY Grad Center as a Presidential Diversity Postdoctoral Fellow!

21 April 2020

Welcome Incoming Students!

Welcome to the incoming class of 2020!

Spencer Atkins
Spencer Beaudette
Alex Christen
Ariadne Dubus
Robert Kippes
Vincent Li
Akanksha Mansukhani

Let's hope we all meet irl soon!

Emergency funding for students

Emergency funding for students available

15 April 2020

Dissertation defense on Friday!

Sinan Oruc

"The Grammar of Promising"

Friday, April 17th
join us on Zoom!