28 March 2024

debate championship


Vincent's head is actually part of the trophy

16 March 2024

Creighton Club CFP

The 169th conference will be held Saturday, October 5th at Syracuse University, featuring Professor Amie Thomasson as keynote speaker. 5000 word, anonymized papers are due July 1st for consideration. Decisions will be communicated by August 16th. More details regarding paper submission are linked here

Please let us know if you are interested in serving as a commentator, indicating your areas of interest.

Finally, if you are interested in serving as Secretary–Treasurer for the 2025 and 2026 conferences, please get in touch with one of the organizers!

Best wishes,

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The Creighton Club
Ben Lennertz, President
John Lawless, Vice-President
Josh Hunt, Secretary–Treasurer