10 December 2015

"Hunger Games" NYS

who gets the Decker School space?
I think there's some brewpub money in there, too.

A message from President Harvey StengerHide Show
Dear Binghamton University Community,

Today, I’m absolutely thrilled to tell you that the Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council’s (STREDC) proposal has been named a “Best Plan Awardee” in the Upstate Revitalization Initiative.

What does this mean? It means that the Southern Tier will receive $500 million to move forward with a raft of projects to spur our economy – including several projects with major impact for Binghamton University.

Our compelling proposal addresses the key economic development challenges facing our region, with emphasis on industry and manufacturing, agriculture, transportation and tourism. Our integrated approach leverages our regional strengths from Corning, Ithaca and the Greater Binghamton region.

Among the projects with major University impact included in the Southern Tier’s proposal are:
• Funding to rehabilitate 48 Corliss Ave. in Johnson City to move the Decker School of Nursing there, colocated with the already funded School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, a key step for the initiative to establish The Health Sciences and Technology Innovation Park at the center of the Johnson City iDistrict and part of the overarching strategy to build the Greater Binghamton Innovation Ecosystem.
• Funding for a battery dry room for testing and battery research where Distinguished Professor M. Stanley Whittingham and his NorthEast Center for Chemical Energy Storage team will test their current research efforts to maximize battery life and efficiency.
• Initial funding to facilitate growth and expansion of both the University-driven Flexible Printed Electronics Technology Center and an Industrial 3D Printing Center for Product Prototyping and Commercialization, to be colocated at the Huron Campus in Endicott as part of the Endicott Advanced Manufacturing iDistrict.
• Funding to establish secure electronics and advanced manufacturing projects, with Lockheed Martin taking the lead and Binghamton University positioned as one of the key partners.

A number of other projects are also ready for implementation, all expected to benefit the Southern Tier and Binghamton University.

Developing this proposal required extensive time and effort from a large number of individuals, including members of the STREDC Steering Committee and community, business and academic collaborators from across the region, all working to make this plan as competitive as possible.

I’m extremely appreciative of this major undertaking and of the long hours put in by everyone involved. I know that, 20 years from now, people will look at this win as the point when the Southern Tier began its comeback.

Thank you all for your support, and I wish you the happiest of holiday seasons.

Harvey Stenger

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