you have until May:
23 December 2010
20 December 2010
CFP: Northwestern Ethics Conference
Note that this is annual, in case you can't make this year's deadline.
SOCIETY FOR ETHICAL THEORY AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY, Northwestern University 5th Annual Conference May 19–21, 2011 Keynote Speakers: Philip PETTIT (Princeton) R. Jay WALLACE (Berkeley) SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: The deadline is February 15, 2011. We welcome submissions from faculty and graduate students, as some sessions will be reserved for student presentations. Please submit an essay of approximately 4000 words and an abstract of at most 150 words. Essay topics in all areas of ethical theory and political philosophy will be considered, although some priority will be given to essays that take up themes from the works of Philip Pettit and R. Jay Wallace, such as responsibility, practical reasoning, freedom, democratic theory, constructivism, contractualism, individual agency, and collective agency. Essays and abstracts should be prepared for blind review in word, rtf, or pdf format. Graduate submissions should be sent by email to; faculty submissions should be sent by e-mail to Notices of acceptance will be sent by March 31, 2011. For more information, please contact Jon Garthoff at the e-mail address above or visit our website:
17 December 2010
cfp: graduate conference in political theory at princeton
Graduate Conference in Political Theory
Princeton University
April 8-9, 2011
The Committee for the Graduate Conference in Political Theory at Princeton University welcomes papers concerning any period, methodological approach or topic in political theory, political philosophy, or the history of political thought. Approximately eight papers will be accepted.
critical reasoning for beginners
for free on itunes:
I guess there's a lot of other stuff, too. hmmm.
I guess there's a lot of other stuff, too. hmmm.
14 December 2010
middlebury dissertation fellowship
Middlebury College invites applications for a dissertation fellowship for the academic year 2011-12. We are seeking graduate students with a clear commitment and ability to advance educational diversity, either through the nature of their scholarly work, or through their ability to model success in fields where their own backgrounds and experiences may be underrepresented. Fellows will receive teaching and research mentorship from faculty committed to excellence in undergraduate education. Fellows will be hosted by an appropriate department or program, and will be expected to teach one one-semester course, normally in the fall semester. Fellows may apply to extend their fellowships to a second year. The annual stipend for the position is $30,000. Ph.D. candidates must have completed all doctoral work except the dissertation by the end of the current academic year. For further information and application details, please visit: academics/administration/ employment/diss_fellows
Applications are due by January 21, 2011. Inquiries should be sent to Susan Burch at .
Middlebury College is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to recruiting a diverse faculty to complement its increasingly diverse student body.
Applications are due by January 21, 2011. Inquiries should be sent to Susan Burch at .
Middlebury College is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to recruiting a diverse faculty to complement its increasingly diverse student body.
11 December 2010
learning from mistakes
“My teacher has several good ways to explain each topic that we cover in this class.”
and skillful at maintaining classroom order, but I hope that doesn't have much to do with us
of course this may be false: "'Kids know effective teaching when they experience it,' he said"
since the survey asks about what happens in the classroom, not what's effective. they have to correlate the survey results with learning outcomes for it to be meaningful.
“My teacher has several good ways to explain each topic that we cover in this class.”
and skillful at maintaining classroom order, but I hope that doesn't have much to do with us
of course this may be false: "'Kids know effective teaching when they experience it,' he said"
since the survey asks about what happens in the classroom, not what's effective. they have to correlate the survey results with learning outcomes for it to be meaningful.
10 December 2010
CFP: freedom and power
A Journal of Social and Political Theory
‘Freedom and Power’ Call for Papers
Ever since Livy proclaimed that ‘freedom is to be in one’s own power’, if not from a long time before, the relationship between freedom and power has been an enduring concern of political theorists. It has withstood even Berlin’s sharp distinctions between seemingly irreconcilable kinds of freedom and the subsequent diversion via debates about ‘negative, ‘positive’ and ‘republican’ freedom. With greater historical purview it is possible to see that the fault line between various competing conceptions of freedom is clearest with regard to how social and political theorists conceive of the relationship between freedom and power. While some thinkers have opposed freedom and power, arguing that liberty can only be truly attained free from power and domination (republicans) or in the absence of external impediments imposed by other human beings (liberals), others have identified a close and intriguing link between them, especially in the sphere of politics. A motley crew of radicals, Marxists and conservatives occupy the latter camp, including Livy, Machiavelli, Montaigne, Marx, Nietzsche and Foucault. Moreover, those in the former camp tend to think of freedom in formal and abstract terms, while proponents of the latter eschew this now normal tendency in political philosophy and instead think of freedom in fully substantive, concrete and even materialist terms. (Hobbes is an unusual and unique figure as his account of freedom inspires members of both parties in this debate.)
08 December 2010
CFP: midsouth philosophy conference
CALL FOR PAPERS M I D S O U T H P H I L O S O P H Y C O N F E R E N C E and Undergraduate Philosophy Conference The University of Memphis March 4-5, 2011
07 December 2010
05 December 2010
bcc applied ethics conference
Third Annual Conference on Applied Ethics
April 1-2, 2011
Conflict, Tolerance, and Promise
The Spring Conference on Applied Ethics 2011 invites papers, panels, and presentations on the topic of Religion and Ethics.
03 December 2010
Daniel: M.A. defense
Shoni: ABD
next week is Regan and Brandon
Shoni: ABD
next week is Regan and Brandon
public sector employees
new video from afscme:
is good excuse to post old video from afscme:
is good excuse to post old video from afscme:
30 November 2010
colloquium reminder
Lewis Trelawny-Cassity
"On the Interdependence of Legislation and Theology in Plato's Laws"
commentator: Carlos Cortissoz
Thursday, December 2nd
UUW 324
with year-ending wine and cheese reception to follow, 1:00-2:00
28 November 2010
nietzschean ressentiment
see hypothesis #5, pp. 24f
it looks like plain old envy/spite rather than ressentiment, but good enough for government work
see hypothesis #5, pp. 24f
it looks like plain old envy/spite rather than ressentiment, but good enough for government work
pretty pretty
just saw this online -- apparently it's not coming out till next June.
I hear the middle chapter is particularly good.
20 November 2010
i wonder if he knows Charles
in Dharmasala with disgraced former U.S. Rep Bob Ney
18 November 2010
mitchem dissertation fellowship
Marquette University invites applications for the Arnold L. Mitchem Dissertation Fellowship Program. Mitchem Fellowships seek to help increase the presence of currently underrepresented racial and cultural groups in the U.S. professoriate by supporting advanced doctoral candidates during completion of the dissertation. The fellowships provide one year of support for doctoral candidates well into the writing stage of their dissertation work who are U.S. citizens currently enrolled in U.S. universities.
Wretzel defense
“Speaking With the
Dead: The Philosophical
Implications of Brandom’s
Interpretive Oversights”
Friday, November 19th
12:00 noon
LT – 1210
All are welcome!
I don't think they understand
what 'thinning the herd' means:
In an effort to thin the herd at doctors' offices during cold and flu season, Blue Cross Blue Shield is launching an online service to pair doctors and patients through video chat.
In an effort to thin the herd at doctors' offices during cold and flu season, Blue Cross Blue Shield is launching an online service to pair doctors and patients through video chat.
17 November 2010
if current trends continue
there will be more computer science majors than students
and just as many philosophy majors
and just as many philosophy majors
16 November 2010
more on Albany
... probably a lot more recently, too.
... probably a lot more recently, too.
15 November 2010
i was wondering why there's no caviar in the faculty lounge
and why there's no faculty lounge.
and why my 5 year old state-issued computer resides permanently at the help desk
and why my 5 year old state-issued computer resides permanently at the help desk
kind of interesting
use of clickers in the classroom:
way more interesting that those articles on about naked library photo shoots.
way more interesting that those articles on about naked library photo shoots.
14 November 2010
another confessional
from a writer at a term paper mill:
but not nearly as good as the classic:
but not nearly as good as the classic:
13 November 2010
Colloquium reminder
this Thursday, back at the usual location (UUW-324):
Alice Crary
"Minding What Already Matters: A Critique of Moral Individualism"
get the paper off blackboard. buy the books:
Alice Crary
"Minding What Already Matters: A Critique of Moral Individualism"
get the paper off blackboard. buy the books:
12 November 2010
empirical evidence
the fulsome kind: (NYT)
Well, not exactly. The Hartford Insurance Company has twice looked at entering the long-term care insurance market and was scared off. “The experience studies were just not long enough and fulsome enough for us to have credible pricing,” said Brian Murphy, executive vice president of life insurance at Hartford.
oh well, it doesn't mean anything anymore: (Slate)
the more fulsome defense of the common procreation argument
Well, not exactly. The Hartford Insurance Company has twice looked at entering the long-term care insurance market and was scared off. “The experience studies were just not long enough and fulsome enough for us to have credible pricing,” said Brian Murphy, executive vice president of life insurance at Hartford.
oh well, it doesn't mean anything anymore: (Slate)
the more fulsome defense of the common procreation argument
oh god, this is awful
(h/t Leiter)
special bonus:
(CK's favorite boat ad)
(h/t Leiter)
special bonus:
(CK's favorite boat ad)
11 November 2010
alain locke's department
see also and and ________________________________________ From: The African Philosophy E-Mail List [AFRI-PHIL@LEHMAN.LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU] Sent: 11 November 2010 05:00 Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 10:30:45 -0500 From: Bruce Janz <janzb@MAIL.UCF.EDU> Subject: FYI: Howard University Dept. of Philosophy Howard University's upper administration is threatening to close the MA and BA progams in Philosophy. This is the program that Alain Locke was involved in founding. Brian Leiter has a note about this, here This is an important program, with some very good people in it, and a history of producing strong thinkers. This would be a major loss to Africana philosophy, and to Howard University. The final decision gets made on Dec. 1, and the president, Dr. Sidney Ribeau, needs to understand how important this department is to Africana philosophy and to his own university. If you want to make your thoughts about this known, you can write the president, at Dr. Sidney Ribeau, President, Howard University, 2400 6th Street NW, Washington, DC 20059. Or, you can sign a petition, located here
10 November 2010
09 November 2010
08 November 2010
cfp: syracuse grad student conference
2011 Syracuse Philosophy Graduate Student Conference
April 15 & 16
Keynote Speakers: Michael Forster (UChicago) & Robert Van Gulick
Paper submission deadline: Jan 15th, 2011
Send submissions to:
Papers should be suitable for a 25-30 minute presentation (no more
than 4000 words). SU philosophy graduate students will serve as
on papers presented at the conference.
Submissions must be prepared for blind review and sent as either a PDF
or Word file.
In the text of your email, please include your name, contact
information, and a short abstract (max 150 words).
We welcome submissions in all areas of philosophy.
Best regards,
Mike Campbell & Andy Specht
2011 Syracuse Philosophy Graduate Student Conference
April 15 & 16
Keynote Speakers: Michael Forster (UChicago) & Robert Van Gulick
Paper submission deadline: Jan 15th, 2011
Send submissions to:
Papers should be suitable for a 25-30 minute presentation (no more
than 4000 words). SU philosophy graduate students will serve as
on papers presented at the conference.
Submissions must be prepared for blind review and sent as either a PDF
or Word file.
In the text of your email, please include your name, contact
information, and a short abstract (max 150 words).
We welcome submissions in all areas of philosophy.
Best regards,
Mike Campbell & Andy Specht
06 November 2010
it just occurred to me that nowhere on this blog does the word "Binghamton" appear.
Binghamton Binghamton Binghamton Binghamton.
Binghamton Binghamton Binghamton Binghamton.
colloquium reminder
Colloquium this Thursday (11/11) is
Christopher Knapp, "Thoreau's Account of Prudential Value"
***new location, this week only: UU 252 ***
it looks like this:
Christopher Knapp, "Thoreau's Account of Prudential Value"
***new location, this week only: UU 252 ***
it looks like this:
05 November 2010
online education is exploding
all across the country:
that means there's a lot of it, or at least a lot of enrollment
(via Max)
that means there's a lot of it, or at least a lot of enrollment
(via Max)
04 November 2010
03 November 2010
higher education
from the Chronicle:
New York's attorney general, Andrew M. Cuomo, a Democrat, has also pledged to put higher education at the center of his plans to restore the state's economy, developing policies that would help universities commercialize research and encourage more businesses to offer internships by providing tax credits to companies that employ student interns. Mr. Cuomo defeated Carl P. Paladino, a real-estate developer from Buffalo who was backed by the Tea Party. As the state's attorney general, Mr. Cuomo, burnished a national reputation as a crusader for consumers' rights, primarily through investigations into the relationships between colleges and student-loan providers.
New York's attorney general, Andrew M. Cuomo, a Democrat, has also pledged to put higher education at the center of his plans to restore the state's economy, developing policies that would help universities commercialize research and encourage more businesses to offer internships by providing tax credits to companies that employ student interns. Mr. Cuomo defeated Carl P. Paladino, a real-estate developer from Buffalo who was backed by the Tea Party. As the state's attorney general, Mr. Cuomo, burnished a national reputation as a crusader for consumers' rights, primarily through investigations into the relationships between colleges and student-loan providers.
02 November 2010
some links from around the web on the topic of the next SPEL workshop:
update: should also have linked Melissa's APA report: oddly, the only link I can find is here
my handout is available, too, if anyone wants it
update: should also have linked Melissa's APA report: oddly, the only link I can find is here
my handout is available, too, if anyone wants it
01 November 2010
GASLAND tonight at the Anderson Center.
with the filmmaker (guy w/ banjo)
pizza at 6, doors open at 6:30, movie at 7, fear by 7:10
sponsored by Lew
with the filmmaker (guy w/ banjo)
pizza at 6, doors open at 6:30, movie at 7, fear by 7:10
sponsored by Lew
SPEL workshop on Thursday
this week it's Interviewing.
mandatory for all 2nd year Ph.D. students and anybody who might want to do a mock interview sometime soon.
mandatory for all 2nd year Ph.D. students and anybody who might want to do a mock interview sometime soon.
30 October 2010
29 October 2010
from the sports pages
reposted from the listserv:
FEMMSS 4: Call for Proposals
Paper proposals are invited for the fourth conference of the Association for Feminist Epistemologies, Methodologies, Metaphysics and Science Studies (FEMMSS) to be held at The Pennsylvania State University, May 10-12, 2012. For more information about FEMMSS and our past conferences see
We welcome new participants and perspectives from across the academy and outside it that provide feminist discussion on any topic in epistemologies, methodologies, metaphysics, or science studies.
Paper proposals are invited for the fourth conference of the Association for Feminist Epistemologies, Methodologies, Metaphysics and Science Studies (FEMMSS) to be held at The Pennsylvania State University, May 10-12, 2012. For more information about FEMMSS and our past conferences see
We welcome new participants and perspectives from across the academy and outside it that provide feminist discussion on any topic in epistemologies, methodologies, metaphysics, or science studies.
28 October 2010
27 October 2010
CFP: philosophy and the arts // redemption
Call for Papers and Artwork
Fourth Annual Philosophy and the Arts Conference at Stony Brook Manhattan
April 1-2, 2011
Keynote Speaker – Kaja Silverman
The Masters program in Philosophy and the Arts at Stony Brook University in Manhattan centers on intersections of art and philosophy. In an effort to encourage dialogue across disciplines, we offer this conference as an interdisciplinary event and welcome participants working in a variety of fields and media to respond to this year’s topic:
Between the familiar extremes of redeeming oneself (as in the eyes of God, or a friend) and of redeeming a coupon, the term redemption shoulders a rich range of expressive possibilities. Each sense reveals an aspect of the event of exchange of one thing, condition, or meaning for another. “Redemption” may express conversion, salvage, ransom, reparation, purchase, or liberation, and these definitions all vary in their economic, ontological, and hermeneutical hefts.
spring registration
early registration has opened. (for returning grad students)
we have plenty of seats for spring, but you might as well check with your advisor and sign up for classes.
bonus announcement: flu shots this week on campus. I'm going tomorrow morning in the colloquium room.
we have plenty of seats for spring, but you might as well check with your advisor and sign up for classes.
bonus announcement: flu shots this week on campus. I'm going tomorrow morning in the colloquium room.
26 October 2010
graduate school advice
so you want to get a Ph.D. in the humanities (posted by Lisa):
and don't forget the law school one:
and poli sci
I'd post the Derrida one, but this is a family blog.
and don't forget the law school one:
and poli sci
I'd post the Derrida one, but this is a family blog.
25 October 2010
Call for Papers Ninth International Conference of the International Development Ethics Association GENDER JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENT: LOCAL AND GLOBAL Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania, U.S., June 9-11, 2011 Organized by THE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ETHICS ASSOCIATION (IDEA) with Centre on Values and Ethics (COVE) at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada and Center for International Studies (CIS) and Philosophy Department at Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA Plenary speaker Naila Kabeer, Professorial Fellow, Institute of Development Studies, Sussex and Senior Research Fellow, Department of International Development, UK While submissions on any topic in development ethics are welcome, IDEA is particularly interested in submissions that fit the theme of exploring, understanding, and analyzing the role of gender justice in development theory and policy. Scholars and activists in development are increasingly using the concept “gender justice” to replace the terms “gender equality” and “gender mainstreaming”. Many now hold that describing situations using the latter terms fails to address adequately the ongoing gender-based injustices from which women suffer. However, there is no single definition of gender justice and much disagreement among local, national, and international power-holders about what constitutes gender injustice and how to alleviate or eliminate it. IDEA invites submissions that could include discussions of gender as it relates to any of the following list of topics. Gender and • concepts of equality, justice, rights, capabilities • concepts of agency, empowerment, freedom, autonomy • concepts of democracy, citizenship, constitutionalism • concepts of the law, judicial reform, access to justice • intersections of race, class, ethnicity, other factors of discrimination • intersections of local/national and global • economic globalization, global economy, markets, labor • the family, community, nation, global • reproductive health, health care, population • education, religion, culture • concepts of poverty, measuring inequalities • the environment, climate change, public health • feminisms, movements, activism • post-colonialism, imperialism, transnationalism • power, knowledge, institutional structures • care ethics, values and ethics in general • migration, global in the local • violence, conflict, war, terrorism • Human Development Reports, Millennium Development Goals, measurements, standards • local, national, and global institutions and NGOs Papers could examine these issues from diverse theoretical and conceptual perspectives including philosophical argument, empirical analysis, examinations of policy, and action strategies. Papers could consider how and to what degree the concrete experiences of women in specific contexts can and should inform theory, practice, and activism at local and global levels. The conference will engage scholars and practitioners from around the world and from a wide variety of disciplines and activities (including philosophy and other humanities, social sciences, policy studies, development, social work, NGOs, local and global agencies and organizations, government officials and policy makers). IDEA particularly welcomes submissions from scholars and practitioners in South countries. Submission of Abstracts. Proposals should be submitted by email to Christine Koggel at and should include: 1. An abstract of 500 words 2. Name, affiliation, and contact information on a separate page 3. A biography of under 100 words (for the conference program) The conference will be conducted primarily in English. There may be some presentations in Spanish, depending on the availability of volunteers to give informal translations. Proposals for presentations in Spanish should be sent to Daniela Gallegos at Important dates: • December 17, 2010: deadline for proposals • February 18, 2011: notification of acceptance • May 1, 2011: deadline for submission of complete papers Program Co-Chairs: Jay Drydyk, President of IDEA and Director of COVE Christine Koggel, Co-Director of CIS and Board Member of IDEA
24 October 2010
hey, who knew ...
it was World Philosophy Day.
22 October 2010
more from the mailbox ....
... a way for you to get your own philosophy spam, some of which is actually Useful and Important:
really, you should sign up for this -- and philosop and the Liverpool listserv and maybe FEAST-L and Journolist, too. it might make a big difference in your life, or just keep you up to date with what people you don't know are doing.
Dear DGS,Would you please circulate this invitation to join Philosophy Updates to your graduate students? PhilUpdates is a mailing list for jobs, conferences, calls for papers, and other action items, both worldwide and in North America; it currently has 4,000 members. They can join by sending an email to or by going here:Much thanks!Best,Fritz
really, you should sign up for this -- and philosop and the Liverpool listserv and maybe FEAST-L and Journolist, too. it might make a big difference in your life, or just keep you up to date with what people you don't know are doing.
by the way, this is the completely unofficial blog by some guy named "bob" and only happens to mention things of possible relevance to the graduate program known as "SPEL", to which this blog has no official connection.
oh, and buy this book. even though the price is not very compassionate.
oh, and buy this book. even though the price is not very compassionate.
Saba Fatima on video
from the e-mails--
Saba gives a talk at Ohio Wesleyan:
Saba gives a talk at Ohio Wesleyan: broadcasts/lecturesEvents/ 100927_sagan.html
now, how do I monetize this blog, anyway?
this is a test
... been wondering whether there's enough post-worthy stuff to sustain a blog. probably not, but I have a cold and the Yankees are losing.
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