CALL FOR PAPERS M I D S O U T H P H I L O S O P H Y C O N F E R E N C E and Undergraduate Philosophy Conference The University of Memphis March 4-5, 2011
The thirty-fifth annual Midsouth Philosophy Conference is scheduled for Friday afternoon and Saturday, March 4-5, at The University of Memphis. Papers in any area are welcome. There will be a $40 registration fee, $30 for graduate students, payable by cash or check at the conference (but not by credit or debit card). John Bickle (Mississippi State University) will deliver the keynote address. Papers in any area are welcome. Papers must not exceed a length of 3000 words. On the first page of your paper, include the following nine items: (1) a word count - 3000 words maximum! (2) the author's name (3) academic status (professor, unaffiliated, graduate student) (4) institutional affiliation (if any) (5) mailing address (6) email address (7) telephone number (8) the paper's title (9) an abstract - 100 words maximum! Submissions which do not include all nine items will not be considered. No more than one submission by the same author will be considered. Email a copy of your paper, as an attachment, in Rich Text Format (RTF) or Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) to Please title your paper as follows: YourLastName_YourFirstName.rtf - for examples: Hegel_Georg.doc Locke_John.rtf Russell_Bertrand.pdf Papers must be received by JANUARY 10. Papers will be reviewed by a committee. Notification of acceptance will be made via email in early February. Submissions whose authors cannot be contacted through email will be rejected. Each paper will have a commentator. Those interested in commenting should send a note to by January 15 of availability and areas of interest. Persons whose papers are accepted will be expected to serve as commentators if asked. The UNDERGRADUATE PHILOSOPHY CONFERENCE will have parallel sessions. has details. Please encourage students to attend and submit papers. Thomas Nenon has reserved rooms for Thursday (3/4) through Saturday (3/6) nights at the Comfort Inn on 100 North Front Street. Call 901-526-0583 and identify yourself as a participant in the MidSouth Philosophy Conference by February 15 in order to ensure availability and to receive the conference rate. The airport shuttle goes to the Comfort Inn for about $15, taxis for about $30.
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