21 September 2021

Alternative work assignment update


Dateline Addition: Tuesday, September 21

A message from President Harvey Stenger

I am writing to rescind the recent requirement for staff to select alternative work assignments to meeting our needs for COVID-19 testing and isolation housing.

When vaccines became widely available and we saw a significant decrease in cases nationwide, we joined others throughout higher education in thinking that there would be much less need for surveillance testing, isolation housing and related services. Then the Delta variant changed things significantly, and we saw a rapid increase in positive cases during the first 10 days of September. The Delta variant, coupled with the current labor shortage affecting our community, hindered our flexibility to hire and quickly supplement our volunteer population. At the time, we saw an urgent need to develop additional capacity to meet the increase in cases we were seeing. However, more recently, the rate of positive cases is decreasing.

If you signed up last week and would like to withdraw your name, please send an email to VPoperations@binghamton.edu and you will be removed from the schedule.

At the same time, we encourage as many of you as possible to keep your names on the list of those who could be called on to assist as needed. Having a reservoir of staff able to be reassigned quickly will help us be ready to meet needs that may arise over the rest of the semester.

We are grateful for your help and thank you for your commitment to helping the University navigate the complex journey through the ongoing pandemic.

Harvey Stenger

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