13 August 2021

Fall guidance


Follow the link for the whole thing. Here is an excerpt from the Faculty section on Courses. It seems like it's applicable to TAs, too.

E. Courses

Below you will find sample language or examples of ways to respond to various situations. Consider how you may want to include or adapt what you find here in your own syllabi. In some cases, sample consequences for non-compliance are listed [in square brackets] as examples; feel free to use them or modify them for your course, but be sure to include any such consequences in the syllabi for all students so they are informed of expectations and consequences.

i. General statement suggestion for courses

Binghamton University follows the recommendations of public health experts to protect the health of students, faculty, staff and the community at large. Safeguarding public health depends on each of us strictly following requirements as they are instituted and for as long as they remain in force. Health and safety standards will be enforced in this course.

ii. Face coverings and other safety measures

Current rules require everyone to wear a face covering that completely covers both the nose and mouth while indoors (unless they are eating or alone in a private space like an office). A face shield is not an acceptable substitute. Classroom safety requirements will continue to be based on guidance from public health authorities and will be uniformly applied across campus. If these requirements change, a campus-wide announcement will be made to inform the University.

Classrooms in the Lecture Hall and some other large halls are equipped with microphone connections; faculty who are teaching in these spaces and would like to use a microphone should contact the Center for Learning and Teaching if they do not have their own microphone. For instructors who are teaching in spaces where communication while wearing a face covering presents a challenge, please contact the Center for Learning and Teaching. The CLT  is exploring personal microphone solutions that can help. Instructors must follow all applicable campus requirements for use of face coverings, including while teaching. Instructors who have specific technology needs for teaching can use the form found at https://www.binghamton.edu/clt/ecc/index.html to request it. 

We recommend that your syllabi:

  • indicate that the University recommends and supports swift action and clear consequences if a student’s non-compliance risks the safety of others.
  • state how you will handle an in-class instance of inadvertent non-compliance or an in-class instance of deliberate non-compliance. 
  • state what the consequences for non-compliance will be.

The academic and course-removal sanctions listed here are provided because the Provost’s Office considers them to be valid responses if a student puts the safety of others at risk; you may indicate that in your syllabi. Non-compliance with safety requirements constitutes a public health risk and a disruption of the learning experience. You may choose to establish classroom policies that prohibit eating and drinking; longer classes could include a short break.  

[Sample language: If you forget your face covering or it does not meet these requirements, you will be asked to leave the room immediately. You may not return until you meet the requirement.

Instructors should address what happens if the student misses a graded assessment due to being asked to leave the classroom for not having a proper face covering. For example, instructors may say that [the student will receive a zero on the assignment. Or, instructors may have a policy of dropping one quiz, etc.]          

If a student does not comply with the requirements or the instructor’s direction, the instructor [will immediately cancel the remainder of the class session and inform the dean’s office, which will work with the Student Records office to issue a failing grade (“F”) for the course regardless of when in the semester the incident occurs. The dean’s office will also inform the Office of Student Conduct.] If you choose to impose this penalty, it should be explicitly stated in your syllabi, like other things that affect grading.  

If a student’s refusal to comply is a second offense, the Office of Student Conduct may recommend dismissal from the University.           

If the rules for health and safety measures change, the campus will be notified and the new requirements will take effect.

iii. Illness/quarantine

Students should be reminded to stay home if they are ill and seek prompt medical evaluation if they experience symptoms of COVID-19. Early case finding will benefit the entire campus. This should apply to faculty/staff as well. 

Decker Student Health Services does not have the resources to issue individual notes confirming illness. Please do not require this of your students.  

If students become ill or are required to quarantine, instructors will deal with them on a case-by-case basis as they would when dealing with cases of influenza or other illness that keeps a student from attending class. We encourage instructors to contact the Center for Learning and Teaching for ideas and support in helping these students to keep up with the course. Instructional designers and other academic support personnel can help tailor academic support to the course and to specific student needs.

Please remember that instructors may not ask students about their vaccination status; see above for an explanation of the New York vaccination requirement implementation and other health and safety information. Health and safety decisions and policies will be made and announced at the University level; instructors do not have the latitude to modify these policies or impose additional restrictions or requirements for specific courses or other contexts. 

If instructors become ill or are required to quarantine/isolate, they should work with their department chair to find the best way for their course(s) to move forward during the time of their absence from the classroom.

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