01 October 2020

Yeah, looks like we're screwed


We were at 0 on Monday, the trend is increasing (we're +13 from yesterday), and most of the positives are from Decker (which suggests, to me anyway, that the testing is catching mostly symptomatic people who want to be tested, and this in turn suggests that there are lots of asymptomatic people who haven't been caught by surveillance testing.)

Plus the county-wide rate is worse and accelerating even faster. (Wednesday's Broome County positivity rate was 4.7%, according to the New York Covid dashboard.) Our students are doing much better than the county as a whole, and the timing of the surge doesn't sync with our academic calendar. (It syncs better with the start of K12 school.) There's plenty of community spread and it's not going to be reduced by dorms students behaving better.

So, unless someone already did something last week to prevent positives, we'll hit 100 next week, which maybe doesn't make a big difference anyway, except for shutting down what little in-person stuff remains.

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