20 December 2013
13 December 2013
philosophy dept. coffee hour
The SPEL-GSO in conjunction with Minorities and Philosophy invites faculty, staff, and graduate students to a Philosophy Department Coffee Hour.
Please join us on Tuesday, December 17, from 1-2 pm in the IASH conference room for some coffee and snacks before winter break.
We know this is a busy time, so feel free to just stop by for a few minutes if you're able.
Hope to see you there!
10 December 2013
random linkage
tax subsidies to create jobs doesn't work:
no shortage in STEM graduates:
can't have innovative pedagogy w/o faculty:
and on MOOCs: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2013/12/06/mooc-research-conference-confirms-commonly-held-beliefs-about-medium
09 December 2013
brown bag lunch reminder
Our last Brown Bag Lunch of the Fall Semester will take place on Tuesday December 10, from 11:45 to 1:00, in LT 1506 (Comp Lit Conference Room)
Our paper this time is home grown: Christopher Knapp, "Economic Envy," forthcoming in Journal of Applied Philosophy.
05 December 2013
grade inflation
at Harvard, the median grade is A-, the mode is a straight A.
Nietzsche in pre-code Hollywood part II
more pre-code awesomeness, lifted from the comments (thanks!):
start at about 1:05:30, and then again at 1:21
Maxwell Anderson seems to have embellished Somerset Maugham's story.
see also: are you a philosopher @ 13:25
also: did she open a bottle of bourbon with a corkscrew @15:20?
30 November 2013
22 November 2013
brown bag lunch
Our last Brown Bag Lunch of the Fall Semester will take place on Tuesday December 10, from 11:45 to 1:00, in LT 1506 (Comp Lit Conference Room)
Our paper this time is home grown: Christopher Knapp, "Economic Envy," forthcoming in Journal of Applied Philosophy. (Attached) Sure to be an appropriate lesson for the turbo-consumption of the holiday season.
Frequent tests can enhance college learning
I am not surprised
Grading college students on quizzes given at the beginning of every class, rather than on midterms or a final exam, increases both attendance and overall performance, scientists reported Wednesday.
This is also not surprising:
Most students hated it at first, Dr. Pennebaker said.
“Sam and I usually get really high course evaluations” from the students, he said; “these were the lowest ever.”
11 November 2013
from the Onion
However, are we to take Nietzsche’s statement as a repudiation of the existence of free will outright? Scholars Maudemarie Clark and David Dudrick’s analysis seems to conclude that, in Nietszche’s formulation, one’s “will,” defined as a set of drives that act in coordination as a causal agent, do indeed exist as a cause of action, albeit not a sufficient cause of action capable of negating other factors, both internal and external ...
actually from the Onion
(h/t Christina)
08 November 2013
Not SPEL actually
congratulations to John Ludwig for winning an Undergraduate Research Award
05 November 2013
SPEL Colloquium this THU: Joel MacClellan
The last SPEL colloquium of the semester is scheduled for this THURSDAY (7 NOV), at 5:00pm in UUW-324. The speaker is Joel MacClellan, Visiting Assistant Professor, and the title of his talk is “The Moral Problem of Natural Evil.”
31 October 2013
30 October 2013
baby news
Brandon Davis-Shannon and his wife recently welcomed a daughter, Sadie Marie. She joins her older sister Kaida (3 years old).
29 October 2013
article about Tony Preus's class
there was an article about Tony Preus's class in Pipe Dream.
but it's not online. that seems kinda lame.
24 October 2013
on quitting
making sure that universities reproduce existing inequalities
(of course, admissions can be need blind ...)
22 October 2013
Is anyone getting a degree this semester?
If you think that you will be taking a degree this semester, you MUST complete the Graduate Application for Degree (GAFD) by November 4, 2013. The link is here
Here’s the link for your graduation checklist: http://www.binghamton.edu/ commencement/students/ checklist.html
For more information, visit the commencement website: http://www.binghamton.edu/ commencement/index.html
21 October 2013
fyi: the registrar speaks
Monday, October 21
- Spring 2014 schedule of classes available online.
- Time tickets for spring 2014 pre-registration viewable online.
Wednesday, October 30
- Continuing graduate student spring 2014 pre-registration begins at 9 a.m.
- Registration remains open until the last day of fall 2013 classes.
IASH: Nicole Hassoun on Access to Essential Medicines
meant to post this before the event. posting now for the sake of recording-keeping. it was a good talk!
The next presentation in the IASH Fellows’ Speaker Series will be held on Wednesday October 16, 2013.
We hope you are free to attend Access to Essential Medicines: Why We Should Support the Global Health Impact Campaign which will be presented by Nicole Hassoun, Associate Professor (Philosophy). The talk will be held in the IASH Conference Room (LN 1106), from noon to 1:30.
For more information, please visit our website at http://www2.binghamton.edu/ iash/
06 October 2013
A Machiavellian Guide to Destroying Public Universities
03 October 2013
SPEL Colloquium
Serene Khader, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Stony Brook University (SUNY):
"The Self-Respect/Subordination Paradox: Women and Microcredit"
Thursday October 10, 5:00, UUW 324
02 October 2013
stuff people are up to
Boston University Workshop on Late Modern Philosophy
ASA Annual Meeting
APA Author meets Critics
Boston University Workshop on Late Modern Philosophy
ASA Annual Meeting
APA Author meets Critics
brown bag lunch reminder
Everyone is invited to this year's first brown-bag lunch discussion group on Thursday, October 3, 11:45-1:00pm in LT 1506 (the Comp Lit conference room).
Food will not be provided by the department, so feel free to pack your aluminum Superman lunchbox, fill your thermos, and bring goodies to trade for dessert because this is going to be a real brown-bag.
The article is by Nicholas Vrousalis entitled "Exploitation, Vulnerability, and Social Domination." (Philosophy and Public Affairs 41, no. 2 (Spring 2013): 131-157.)
27 September 2013
preliminary SPEL courses for Spring
SPEL colloquium
PHIL 570Q SPEL colloquium Hassoun R 11:45–1:05 (Colloquium)
SPEL seminars:
PHIL 505 Contemporary Ethics Tessman R 1:40–4:40 (1st yr seminar)
PHIL 580B Philosophy of Social Science Guay TR 2:50-4:40
PHIL 605E Buddhist Metaphysics Goodman T R 2:50–4:50 (Metaphysics)
PHIL 608J Health Justice Hassoun W 1:40–4:40 (Anglo-American)
PHIL 608L Liberalisms Bar On M 1:40–4:40 (Anglo-American)
PHIL 608? Hegel: The Philosophy of Right Pensky TBA (History, Continental)
PHIL 609C Democratic Theory Reeves T 1:40–4:40 (Anglo-American)
PHIL 621C Aristotle’s Ethics & Politics Preus T R 8:30–9:55 (History)
Graduate courses cross-listed with Philosophy:
PHIL 647E Tumultuous Place, Fate & Belonging Allen M 3:30–6:30
Undergraduate courses that SPEL students may wish to “sit in” on to pass proficiency requirements:
PHIL 202 Descartes, Hume, and Kant Guay T R 1:15–2:40
25 September 2013
SPEL Colloquium
Our first speaker of the academic year will be here this thursday:
Erin Taylor
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Cornell University
"All Together Now: Conventionalism and Everyday Moral Life"
Thursday September 26
5:00 PM
update: (26.9)
Today’s Colloquium will meet in the IASH Conference Room, LN-1106 (not UUW-324).
17 September 2013
Works in progress
The first works in progress workshop will be held Wednesday, September 25 from 1:00-2:15 pm in FA-242. Lunch will be provided.
Our speakers will be Alison Coombs presenting "Moral cultivation and the self in Aristotelian and early Buddhist thought" and Gina Santiago presenting “The Communicability of Knowledge in Aristotle’s Metaphysics.”
We look forward to, and encourage, both faculty and graduate students to attend.
Also, please remember that we are seeking abstracts and presentations on a rolling basis, so you may submit something torduford1@binghamton.edu if you like.
15 September 2013
14 September 2013
brown bag lunch #1, Fall 2013
Everyone is invited to this year's first brown-bag lunch discussion group on Thursday, October 3, 11:45-1:00pm in LT 1506 (the Comp Lit conference room).
Food will not be provided by the department, so feel free to pack your aluminum Superman lunchbox, fill your thermos, and bring goodies to trade for dessert because this is going to be a real brown-bag.
The article is by Nicholas Vrousalis entitled "Exploitation, Vulnerability, and Social Domination." (Philosophy and Public Affairs 41, no. 2 (Spring 2013): 131-157.)
11 September 2013
here is the IASH schedule for anyone who is interested
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities
~Fall 2013 Fellows Presentations~
W 12:00pm-1:30pm
LN 1106
September 11
Adam Laats (School of Education, History) “Democracy” and American Education, 1930-1960
September 18
Matt Applegate (Comparative Literature) Up Against the Wall: Guerrilla Discourse and DIY Media in 1960's Manhattan
September 25
Wendy Wall (History) ‘To Wage the Peace’: The 1965 Immigration Act and the Cold War Politics of Immigration Reform
October 2
Brian Wall (Cinema) What Cinema Isn't: Boredom, Blindness, and the Uncinematic
October 9
Kristine Jennings (Comparative Literature) Narcissistic Sensibilities: The Erotics of an Imagined Self in Eighteenth-Century Novels
of Britain and Germany
October 16
Nicole Hassoun (Philosophy) Human Rights, Global Health, and the Rules of Trade
October 23
Bilge Firat O’Hearn Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Istanbul Technical University Infrastructure and Regional
Integration around the Bosphorus: Material Futures or Political Dreamscapes?
October 30
Heather DeHaan (History) In the Neighborhood of Empire: Baku Communities in the Interwar Period
November 6
Ilana Ben-Ezra (History, Political Science) The Sixth Crusade: Antichrist, Fredrick II, and Muslims in Western Eschatology
November 13
Barbara Abou El Haj (Art History) Lordship and Commune: A Comparative Study of Building and Decorating in Reims and Amiens
November 20
Layoung Shin (Anthropology) “Performing Like a Star”: Pop Culture and Sexuality among Young Women in Neoliberal South Korea
December 4
Diana Gildea Global Food Crisis, Householding, and Social Reproduction
10 September 2013
SPEL Workshop on THU
"How to Get a Job in Philosophy"
This is a reminder about the first workshop which will take place Thu at 11:45 in the seminar room. All first and second year students as well as job market candidates are required to attend. That said, the seminar should be of interest to all students considering going on the market in the next year or two (and those who just want to know what to look forward to) as it focuses on things you can do to secure a good job in philosophy.
07 September 2013
27 August 2013
belated congratulations
to Danesh Singh, for successfully defending his dissertation:
“Health as an Ethical Category in the thought of Nietzsche and Zhuangzi”
25 August 2013
23 August 2013
19 August 2013
SPEL Orientation
11:00 am-12:00 pm
New students meet with Professor Hassoun who will provide an overview of the program and answer any questions.
12:00 pm-1:00 pm
All SPEL students (new and continuing) and faculty will meet together. Lunch will be provided.
1:00 pm-2:00 pm
Students meet with faculty advisors
2:00 pm-5:30 pm
Professor Hassoun will be meeting individually with students by appointment.
all in Library North, Room 1324C
LN 1324C (fka PSPC-C) is in the NE part of the LN complex -- i.e., it's across from (west
of, not opposite the front door of) the Computer Center. you can get
there by going to the basement level of LN and going east, or you can
go in through the door at ground level.
of, not opposite the front door of) the Computer Center. you can get
there by going to the basement level of LN and going east, or you can
go in through the door at ground level.
18 August 2013
SAGP draft program is up
Gina, Carlos, Allison, and Tony are on it
16 August 2013
random links
Meritocracy or Bias?
(from Inside Higher Ed)
NC elections boards move to curtail student voting
(from the AP newswire)
adding this one, too
from Dahlia Lithwick at Slate
Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/2013/08/14/2920155/nc-elections-boards-move-to-curtail.html#storylink=cpy
Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/2013/08/14/2920155/nc-elections-boards-move-to-curtail.html#storylink=cpy
15 August 2013
a friend who owes you money
Humanities! Science is not your enemy, it’s a friend who owes you money
mostly about UK context, but
follow link to Crooked Timber
13 August 2013
13-14 Professional Development Workshop Schedule
FALL 2013
12 SEPT Preparing for the Market
17 OCT The Dossier
14 NOV Interviewing
12 DEC Internet Presence
27 FEB Getting Published
27 MAR Course Materials
24 APR Going to Conferences
12 SEPT Preparing for the Market
17 OCT The Dossier
14 NOV Interviewing
12 DEC Internet Presence
27 FEB Getting Published
27 MAR Course Materials
24 APR Going to Conferences
Fall Colloquium schedule
FALL 2013
26 SEPT Erin Taylor, Cornell University
5:00PM – 7:00PM
10 OCT Serene Khader, SUNY Stony Brook
5:00PM – 7:00PM
7 NOV Joel MacClellan, Binghamton University
5:00PM – 7:00PM
26 SEPT Erin Taylor, Cornell University
5:00PM – 7:00PM
10 OCT Serene Khader, SUNY Stony Brook
5:00PM – 7:00PM
7 NOV Joel MacClellan, Binghamton University
5:00PM – 7:00PM
12 August 2013
Students select or reject majors based in large part on the quality of the first college instructor they have in the discipline, new research finds.
Inside Higher Ed
Inside Higher Ed
05 August 2013
economic development
let's say that flourishing research universities promote local economic development.
is that because universities serve as incubators for high-tech companies by fostering public-private business partnerships?
or because people spend a lot on universities, universities spend a lot on research, and universities provide educations?
one could spend $323m on tax exemptions for businesses located near universities, and $140m on advertising, and see how that works.
or one could spend on the universities and stuff. (no link)
03 August 2013
Sexual harassment and philosophy
the McGinn story makes the NYT
15 July 2013
conference report
The 30th International Social Philosophy Conference was held at Quinnipiac University in Hamden CT July 11-13. The general theme was "Food".
SPEL students Aaron Bell and Rochelle DuFord presented "The Amoral Status of Humane and Humanitarian Laws"11 July 2013
28 June 2013
22 June 2013
20 June 2013
That is, conducting interviews ...
is actually modestly interesting because of what it says produces useful information.
- structured behavioral interviews, where you have a consistent rubric for how you assess people, rather than having each interviewer just make stuff up.
- Behavioral interviewing also works — where you’re not giving someone a hypothetical, but you’re starting with a question like, “Give me an example of a time when you solved an analytically difficult problem.” The interesting thing about the behavioral interview is that when you ask somebody to speak to their own experience, and you drill into that, you get two kinds of information. One is you get to see how they actually interacted in a real-world situation, and the valuable “meta” information you get about the candidate is a sense of what they consider to be difficult.
- and this: one guy was highly predictive because he only interviewed people for a very specialized area, where he happened to be the world’s leading expert
is actually modestly interesting because of what it says produces useful information.
- structured behavioral interviews, where you have a consistent rubric for how you assess people, rather than having each interviewer just make stuff up.
- Behavioral interviewing also works — where you’re not giving someone a hypothetical, but you’re starting with a question like, “Give me an example of a time when you solved an analytically difficult problem.” The interesting thing about the behavioral interview is that when you ask somebody to speak to their own experience, and you drill into that, you get two kinds of information. One is you get to see how they actually interacted in a real-world situation, and the valuable “meta” information you get about the candidate is a sense of what they consider to be difficult.
- and this: one guy was highly predictive because he only interviewed people for a very specialized area, where he happened to be the world’s leading expert
17 June 2013
found this on Amazon:
He's been dead since 1991. I'm not even sure that's the most relevant counterclaim here.
13 June 2013
"A Crisis in the Humanities?"
10 June 2013
"the new student excuse"
Corrupted-Files.com offers a service -- recently noted by several academic bloggers who have expressed concern -- that sells students (for only $3.95, soon to go up to $5.95) intentionally corrupted files. Why buy a corrupted file? Here's what the site says: "Step 1: After purchasing a file, rename the file e.g. Mike_Final-Paper. Step 2: E-mail the file to your professor along with your 'here's my assignment' e-mail. Step 3: It will take your professor several hours if not days to notice your file is 'unfortunately' corrupted. Use the time this website just bought you wisely and finish that paper!!!"
Read more: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2009/06/05/corrupted#ixzz2VpFUG8wy
Inside Higher Ed
31 May 2013
lecture fluency and learning
kind of interesting:
The researchers asked two groups of students to sit through the same lecture delivered in radically different styles. When asked afterward how much they felt they had learned, those who had experienced the more accomplished performance believed they had learned more than the second group. However, when tested, there was little difference found between them, with those attending the "better" lecture barely outperforming their poorly taught peers.
Inside HigherEd
30 May 2013
teach for america
some links about Teach for America:
Why Minnesota Governor Vetoed Teach for America Funding
Teach for America: Has it Betrayed its Mission to Save Poor, Struggling Schools?
HuffPo (Reuters)
It's Time for Teach for America to Fold
Why Teach for America Can't Recruit in My Classroom
Diane Ravitch blog
oh great
SUNY will join Brown, Stanford in offering free online courses
Press & Sun Bulletin
State Systems Go MOOC
Inside HigherEd
Universities Team with Online Course Provider
NY Times
29 May 2013
22 May 2013
kind of interesting
In case you were wondering, ThinkProgress tells "The Inside Story of the Harvard Dissertation that Became Too Racist for Heritage"
also, from Gawker comments, a funny joke I hadn't heard before:
When I was in college, I remember a TA telling us the difference between a Masters and prison is "at least you know when you're getting out of prison".
ha ha, funny TA! But it would be better if it were "Ph.D." and prison.
13 May 2013
Welcome Joel MacClellan
Welcome Prof. Joel MacClellan to our department as Visiting Assistant Professor for the 2013-14 academic year.
Joel earned his PhD in philosophy in 2012 from the University of Tennessee. He specializes in environmental ethics, and is particularly interested in the intersection between environmental ethics and animal ethics; Joel also has research interests in biomedical ethics, the philosophy of biology, and social and political philosophy.
During his year as a visitor at Binghamton Joel will be teaching a range of applied ethics courses including upper-division and graduate courses. I think he will make a great addition to SPEL's concentrations in applied ethics and will be an engaging conversation partner for faculty and grad students.
the SPEL welcoming committee
09 May 2013
08 May 2013
the SJSU controversy
here in the Chronicle:
the open letter
Sandel's response
the NYT article: link
which adds the interesting point that the administration arranged to have the course taught by the English dept. after the Philosophy dept. refused to offer it
30 April 2013
this is kind of weird
The NYTimes reviews Daniel Dennett sailing?
or just a weird puff piece?
and how is "Freedom Evolves" a "play on" "Freedom Evolves"? Are they saying that Dennett is a continuous self-parody?
is becalming a technical problem?
29 April 2013
first amendment law
my friend won his motion, so Gawker may now continue to publish a 1400 narrative of a Hulk Hogan sex tape.
more than I've done today. (I mean the motion-winning part. Or maybe the sex tape part. Whatever.)
my friend won his motion, so Gawker may now continue to publish a 1400 narrative of a Hulk Hogan sex tape.
more than I've done today. (I mean the motion-winning part. Or maybe the sex tape part. Whatever.)
22 April 2013
21 April 2013
Workshop reminder
SPEL Professional Development Workshop
"Dossiers, esp. the Teaching part"
THU 25 APR, 11:45-1:00
LT 1210
mandatory for 1st and 2nd year students; recommended for all others
17 April 2013
15 April 2013
Brown bag lunch this week
Thursday April 18, 11:45 - 1:00, location TBA.
Article: Seth Lazar, "Necessity in Self-Defense and War"
brown bags not necessary
12 April 2013
10 April 2013
BCC to host bioethics program
09 April 2013
moving to front: Colloquium this week
Kok-Chor Tan
University of Pennsylvania
"Injustice and Personal Pursuits"
UUW 324
The NY Times is on it
no shit: Gap Widens for Faculty at Colleges
possibly superfluous and creepy?: Teacher Knows if You've Done the E-Reading
and isn't this the opposite of what we have an-almost built Center of Excellence for?: link
let's hope it doesn't work!
or we can just re-name the center (S3IP), which doesn't really fit the TAE anyway.
08 April 2013
07 April 2013
ha ha, ethics
the ethics of being an AD
capabilities approach?
though the best part is "you can't buy $50million worth of visibility." I'm pretty sure you can for $50mil (or maybe $45mil if you can get it on sale.)
05 April 2013
graduate registration is open
Graduate student registration begins today, Friday, April 5. Undergraduate student registration begins at 9 a.m. Monday, April 8. Students have received communication directing them to check their registration start time (or time tickets) on BU BRAIN. Registration start time is based on the number of earned credit hours (in-progress courses are not included). Pre-registration closes at 11:59 p.m. Friday, May 10, the last day of spring 2013 classes.
(slowpokes and incoming students don't register until August, exact date TBD)
04 April 2013
SPEL Colloquium
Kok-Chor Tan
University of Pennsylvania
"Injustice and Personal Pursuits"
UUW 324
02 April 2013
SPEL Workshop this THU
SPEL Professional Development Workshop
topic: "Writing the Damn Prospectus"
required for 2nd year students; optional (encouraged!) for all others.
LT 1210
topic: "Writing the Damn Prospectus"
required for 2nd year students; optional (encouraged!) for all others.
LT 1210
30 March 2013
26 March 2013
Deany links
when [humanities] cuts are inevitable (NYT)
what's the point of a degree in french? (NPR)
the winning presentation
rate my dean
google books*
* can someone please explain the "faux titre" joke? I mean, I guess "De l'etre en lettres" is a false title since the real title is "De l'etre en lettres: l'autobiographie epistolaire de George Sand, but there's a joke there, right? I don't get it. Also, someone please explain how to use diacritical marks with Blogger.
24 March 2013
for the break
aos: philosophy of chicken
the paper on which it is based is available here
the ppt is available here
16 March 2013
SPEL Colloquium on Thursday
Christine Korsgaard
Harvard University
"On Having a Good"
UUW 324
abstract after the jump
SPEL GSO Works in Progress
The first installment of the the SPEL GSO's Works in Progress series has been scheduled for Wednesday March 20th from 11:45-1:00 PM in LN-1404.
The speakers will be Aaron Bell and Rochelle DuFord. Each speaker will be given an roughly 35 minutes--to be split into roughly 20 minutes of presentation, and 15 minutes of question and answer/discussion of the project.
Aristotle and regime change
not sure what the one has to do with the other.
story here:
In the late 1990s, in the thick of the Asian financial crisis, a top Japanese Finance Ministry official turned to his protégé and found him engrossed not in policy documents, but in a chunky volume of the works of Aristotle.
That bookish aide, Haruhiko Kuroda, was approved on Friday to become the next Bank of Japan governor, one of the most thankless jobs in a country plagued for decades with economic problems. He will need more than Aristotelian logic to turn years of the central bank’s policies on their head.
Mr. Kuroda, 68, is tasked with bringing about a regime change at the bank, something he himself, a critic of the bank, has previously called for.
story here:
In the late 1990s, in the thick of the Asian financial crisis, a top Japanese Finance Ministry official turned to his protégé and found him engrossed not in policy documents, but in a chunky volume of the works of Aristotle.
That bookish aide, Haruhiko Kuroda, was approved on Friday to become the next Bank of Japan governor, one of the most thankless jobs in a country plagued for decades with economic problems. He will need more than Aristotelian logic to turn years of the central bank’s policies on their head.
Mr. Kuroda, 68, is tasked with bringing about a regime change at the bank, something he himself, a critic of the bank, has previously called for.
15 March 2013
14 March 2013
Authority, Obedience, and the State
Nicole's on Cato Unbound this month:
here's her abstract:
13 March 2013
on MOOCs
update (more links):
half the professoriate will kill the other half for free
digital sharecropping
happy Palindrome day
today is 3-13-13. yay.
Carlos is at IASH today.
maybe a new Pope. I think Scola.
also, I do not understand this goal (link). I think it is self-refuting. (sorry can't embed)
11 March 2013
Carlos at IASH again
Carlos Cortissoz's presentation in the IASH Fellows' speaker series, "Politics of the Soul: Passions, Factions, Akrasia," has been anticipated for this coming Wednesday, March 13.
Departing from Plato's "City-Soul Analogy" Cortissoz will explore a notion of the individual mind as a political structure, that is, as a web of mental states in a political relation with each other and with the collective mental states they are linked to. Cortissoz shows how this understanding sheds light on common problems in moral psychology such as the problem of akrasia or weakness of the will. 12:00pm, IASH Conference Room (LN 1106)
Who's assessing the assessors?
this is somewhat brilliant:
06 March 2013
SPEL Colloquium
this FRI (8 March):
John Richardson
New York University
"Nietzsche on the Self"
UUW 324
** note the new start time.
04 March 2013
paradoxes of plagiarism
doesn't someone have to write something original at some point?
Rumors abound in Russia that many top leaders have degrees that they didn't really earn, but some officials are starting to tackle the issue of plagiarism. Time reported that the deputy minister of education and science reviewed 25 dissertations at random from the history department at Moscow Pedagogical State University. With one exception, all were found to be extensively plagiarized, with some having as much as 90 percent of the material copied.
link is here. (Inside Higher Ed)
online learning
everybody does worse.
01 March 2013
Tue 5 Mar
IASH Conference Room (LN 1106)
not sure if I'm supposed to publicize details or not
27 February 2013
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