The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH) is recruiting applicants for its fellowships.
IASH has two Dissertation Fellowships which it may divide into one semester DFs, each providing $7,250 + 1 tuition credit + a small research allowance. Students applying for them have to be ABD by 12 May, 2011 and currently in their fourth or fourth year equivalence (if they were accepted with an MA).
IASH is also able to offer several one semester or one year long unstipended Graduate Student Fellowships. These do provide a small research allowance. Students applying for these should also be ABD by 12 May 2011 and currently in their fourth or fourth year equivalence (if accepted with an MA). In addition, they should have a form of support (Departmental DF, a non-residential Dissertation fellowship from another source, and the like) for the 2011-2012 semester they apply for.
Applications are due on 06 April 2011. Interested students should be referred to the IASH site at iash/fellowships/ where they can find an application. they should be encouraged to talk with Ami Bar-On, if they need a clarification.
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