30 November 2010

colloquium reminder

Lewis Trelawny-Cassity
"On the Interdependence of Legislation and Theology in Plato's Laws"
commentator: Carlos Cortissoz

Thursday, December 2nd
UUW 324

with year-ending wine and cheese reception to follow, 1:00-2:00

28 November 2010

nietzschean ressentiment


see hypothesis #5, pp. 24f

it looks like plain old envy/spite rather than ressentiment, but good enough for government work

pretty pretty

The Edinburgh Critical History of Philosophy: Nineteenth Century v. 5

just saw this online -- apparently it's not coming out till next June.

I hear the middle chapter is particularly good.

20 November 2010

18 November 2010

mitchem dissertation fellowship

Marquette University invites applications for the Arnold L. Mitchem Dissertation Fellowship Program. Mitchem Fellowships seek to help increase the presence of currently underrepresented racial and cultural groups in the U.S. professoriate by supporting advanced doctoral candidates during completion of the dissertation. The fellowships provide one year of support for doctoral candidates well into the writing stage of their dissertation work who are U.S. citizens currently enrolled in U.S. universities. 

job market

job wiki:


and the smoker:


Wretzel defense




“Speaking With the
Dead: The Philosophical
Implications of Brandom’s
Interpretive Oversights”

Friday, November 19th
12:00 noon

LT – 1210

All are welcome!

I don't think they understand

what 'thinning the herd' means:

In an effort to thin the herd at doctors' offices during cold and flu season, Blue Cross Blue Shield is launching an online service to pair doctors and patients through video chat.


17 November 2010

16 November 2010

more on Albany




... probably a lot more recently, too.

no no no no


15 November 2010

i was wondering why there's no caviar in the faculty lounge

and why there's no faculty lounge.

and why my 5 year old state-issued computer resides permanently at the help desk


kind of interesting

use of clickers in the classroom:


way more interesting that those articles on insidehighered.com about naked library photo shoots.

13 November 2010

Colloquium reminder

this Thursday, back at the usual location (UUW-324):

Alice Crary
"Minding What Already Matters: A Critique of Moral Individualism"

get the paper off blackboard.  buy the books:


in case you were wondering


subsidized student loans

get rid of 'em!

and Pell grants, too.

(but cut the top marginal tax rate)

12 November 2010

empirical evidence

the fulsome kind: (NYT)

Well, not exactly. The Hartford Insurance Company has twice looked at entering the long-term care insurance market and was scared off. “The experience studies were just not long enough and fulsome enough for us to have credible pricing,” said Brian Murphy, executive vice president of life insurance at Hartford.



oh well, it doesn't mean anything anymore: (Slate)

the more fulsome defense of the common procreation argument 

oh god, this is awful


(h/t Leiter)

special bonus:


(CK's favorite boat ad)

11 November 2010

alain locke's department

see also http://www.coas.howard.edu/philosophy/
and http://savehowardphilosophy.wordpress.com/2010/10/06/welcome/
and http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/save-howard-universitys-philosophy-department/

From: The African Philosophy E-Mail List [AFRI-PHIL@LEHMAN.LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU] 
Sent: 11 November 2010 05:00
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 10:30:45 -0500
From: Bruce Janz <janzb@MAIL.UCF.EDU>
Subject: FYI: Howard University Dept. of Philosophy

Howard University's upper administration is threatening to close the MA and BA progams in Philosophy. This is the program that Alain Locke was involved in founding. Brian Leiter has a note about this, here http://leiterreports.typepad.com/blog/2010/10/howard-university-philosophy-department-under-attack.html 

This is an important program, with some very good people in it, and a history of producing strong thinkers. This would be a major loss to Africana philosophy, and to Howard University. The final decision gets made on Dec. 1, and the president, Dr. Sidney Ribeau, needs to understand how important this department is to Africana philosophy and to his own university. If you want to make your thoughts about this known, you can write the president, at Dr. Sidney Ribeau, President, Howard University, 2400 6th Street NW, Washington, DC 20059. Or, you can sign a petition, located here http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/save-howard-philosophy/sign.html

10 November 2010

imperative of integration

my copy came today.  how did tony read the whole thing already?

08 November 2010

cfp: syracuse grad student conference

2011 Syracuse Philosophy Graduate Student Conference
April 15 & 16
Keynote Speakers: Michael Forster (UChicago) & Robert Van Gulick
Paper submission deadline: Jan 15th, 2011
Send submissions to:  suphilgradconf@gmail.com

Papers should be suitable for a 25-30 minute presentation (no more
than 4000 words). SU philosophy graduate students will serve as
on papers presented at the conference.

Submissions must be prepared for blind review and sent as either a PDF
or Word file.

In the text of your email, please include your name, contact
information, and a short abstract (max 150 words).

We welcome submissions in all areas of philosophy.

Best regards,
Mike Campbell & Andy Specht

radical philosophy association

in case you're passing through Eugene this week:


06 November 2010


it just occurred to me that nowhere on this blog does the word "Binghamton" appear.

Binghamton Binghamton Binghamton Binghamton.

colloquium reminder

Colloquium this Thursday (11/11) is
Christopher Knapp, "Thoreau's Account of Prudential Value"

***new location, this week only: UU 252 ***

it looks like this:

05 November 2010

online education is exploding

all across the country:


that means there's a lot of it, or at least a lot of enrollment

(via Max)

new JFP out


might be a couple new listings there

p.s.: don't forget about the web updates

03 November 2010

higher education

from the Chronicle:

New York's attorney general, Andrew M. Cuomo, a Democrat, has also pledged to put higher education at the center of his plans to restore the state's economy, developing policies that would help universities commercialize research and encourage more businesses to offer internships by providing tax credits to companies that employ student interns. Mr. Cuomo defeated Carl P. Paladino, a real-estate developer from Buffalo who was backed by the Tea Party. As the state's attorney general, Mr. Cuomo, burnished a national reputation as a crusader for consumers' rights, primarily through investigations into the relationships between colleges and student-loan providers.

01 November 2010


GASLAND tonight at the Anderson Center.
with the filmmaker (guy w/ banjo)


pizza at 6, doors open at 6:30, movie at 7, fear by 7:10
sponsored by Lew

SPEL workshop on Thursday

this week it's Interviewing.

mandatory for all 2nd year Ph.D. students and anybody who might want to do a mock interview sometime soon.