I saw this and I didn't believe it:
The syllabus template that Stanford’s teaching folks offer for instructors is 26 pages.
— Jeremy Freese (@jeremyfreese) September 27, 2022
But here it is (33 pp. if you count "additional resources")
I saw this and I didn't believe it:
The syllabus template that Stanford’s teaching folks offer for instructors is 26 pages.
— Jeremy Freese (@jeremyfreese) September 27, 2022
But here it is (33 pp. if you count "additional resources")
The Graduate School would like to remind graduate programs of the potential assistance available for graduate students. Graduate School Travel Grants can be used for attendance at virtual conferences. There are several funding sources available by application on our website on the Research and Travel Funding page. The next Graduate School Travel Grant deadline is Friday, November 4th at 5:00 p.m.
Applications should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file to Nicole Smith (smithn@binghamton.edu).
This one-credit independent study course, taught by Robert Danberg of the Writing Initiative, is designed to assist graduate students in two ways: identify a project goal for the course period and become familiar with writing strategies and habits that have helped academic writers. The principles explored adapt across disciplines and the course has been taken successfully by writers in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Students who take the course are often at different stages -- proposal, prospectus, research, data analysis, drafting chapters, revising chapters, etc.
Graduate School Academic Consultants
Garden State Parkway rest stops now have this quote that Socrates, Plato and Aristotle said in unison in 2500 BC pic.twitter.com/0N1eWv34fu
— Dan McQuade (@dhm) September 6, 2022
Sally Haslanger
Ford Professor of Philosophy
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Situated Knowledge and Situated Values"
Thu 15 Sept
UUW 324