31 March 2022
28 March 2022
Public funding
$1.4 billion is enough to pay for Harpur college forever.
24 March 2022
18 March 2022
news from the Graduate School
REMINDER: Graduate School Travel Grant
The Graduate School would like to remind graduate programs of the potential assistance available for graduate students. There are several funding sources available by application on our Research and Travel Funding webpage. Note that Graduate School Travel Grants can be used for attendance at virtual conferences. The next Graduate School Travel Grant deadline is Friday, April 1st. Applications should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file to graduate@binghamton.edu.
- Most important to note is that while students can submit the GAFD (Graduate Application for Degree) up through the last day of Spring classes, the deadline to submit the GAFD and be listed in the Commencement program is Wednesday, March 23rd. Please remind your graduate students of this important deadline.
05 March 2022
Critical Thinking Lab
I just noticed that the university website places the CTL in the same classification as other university labs:
I think that means there should be IRB review for human subjects research for each appointment.