looks like we're going to lose this year
To improve the security of your own and the University’s information, we strongly encourage every Binghamton University Google Workspace (BMail, Drive, etc.) account holder to enroll in Google 2-Step Verification. This enrollment remains voluntary until Tuesday, May 24, 2022. After that date, anyone who has not yet enrolled will be locked out of their account.
Beginning Tuesday, April 19, Google 2-step enforcement will be enabled. If you are already enrolled in Google 2-step, you will see no change, but if you are not yet enrolled, you will see a pop-up at Google login, with a date of May 24.
Once you sign-up for 2-Step Verification, when you are asked to re-authenticate you will need to enter your password and your 2-Step token.
This is separate from the central authentication service (CAS) two-factor authentication (2FA) system that is already in use for logging in to other Binghamton University websites (such as my.binghamton.edu, BU BRAIN, etc.).
You will only use Google 2-Step Verification when logging in to your Bmail and other Google Workspace services, e.g., Drive, Calendar, Sites, etc.
Instructions on how to enroll are available at the link below.
More Info
Contact Help Desk at 607-777-6420 or visit https://binghamton.service-now.com/kb_view.do?sysparm_article=KB0010755