30 November 2020

SPEL decisive in NY-22 race

 well, maybe. I don't know really. But it could be.

Also, I miss Ami.

17 November 2020

11 November 2020

Brownbag lunch tomorrow!

 SPEL Brownbag lunch

Thu 12 Nov 2020, 11:45

topic: Annette Zimmermann's "Criminal Disenfranchisement and the Concept of Political Wrongdoing"

special guest: Annette Zimmermann

on ZOOM!

09 November 2020

Winter session scholarships

Now that the university seems to be increasingly relying on intersession revenue for operating expenses, I'm so glad that they're offering scholarships for Winter session. It's not perfect -- the students have to be Pell eligible and cough up $150 -- but it's way better than nothing.

And if you're teaching Winter, then I imagine you can use it for marketing, too. (at least for the rest of the week.)


The application for winter session scholarships is available to students in the BU BRAIN. The winter session scholarship will subsidize the majority of tuition and fees for one winter course, with students responsible for $150.

Eligibility to apply
• Applicants must register for a winter session course.
• The course must be applicable to degree requirements. Students should run their DegreeWorks audit to ensure course applicability.
• Applicants must be eligible to receive Pell grant funding based on the current FAFSA information.

The priority deadline to apply is Nov. 15. For more information visit the link below.

More Info

Contact Amber Stallman or visit https://www.binghamton.edu/financial-aid/

08 November 2020

Network security breach

There has been a very serious security breach of the campus systems.This is a ransomware attack that can potentially spread across our connected file servers and systems. The problem appears to be specific to Microsoft Windows-based computers but can impact any computer using campus-based Windows file sharing.  In order to prevent further damage, ITS has shut down all of its Windows Servers.  If your Department is running Windows Servers or Windows file shares on other operating systems you should shut them down. In addition, in order to prevent corrupt systems and possible data loss, all Microsoft Windows-based desktops that are connected to the campus network should also be shut down until the problem has been fixed. 

See which systems are affected:


I haven't found anything that I use affected except for the pictures in Class Listings:

06 November 2020

Blake Wilson's new book on Herzog!

Special 30% Discount Offer! 

To get discount, use code LEX30AUTH20 when ordering. 

*May not be combined with other offers and discounts, valid until 11/05/2021. 

