16 December 2019

new SPELbaby!

welcome Virginia!

24 November 2019

weekend post: Foucault streetwear and the Good Place

also, this is maybe my favorite bit of pop-philosophy:

20 November 2019

Brownbag Thu.!

Brown Bag Lunch

topic: Nathan Ballantyne, "Epistemic Trespassing"

food: pizza or BYO

Thu 21 Nov
Alpern Conference Room (LN-2200)

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, Binghamton B.A. 1998

14 November 2019

Colloquium tomorrow!

SPEL Colloquium

Stefan Sciaraffa

Associate Professor of Philosophy
McMaster University

"Pragmatic Neopragmatism"

Friday, November 15th
IASH room (LN 1106)

workshop on interviewing was yesterday

there was a workshop on Tue. about

Interviewing for Academic Jobs

although this is not helpful, I am posting this for archival purposes

you're better than this, academia.edu

why am I being trolled by academia.edu?

01 November 2019


taking a degree this semester?

you should submit the Graduate Application for Degree really soon.

Fall 2019 GAFD deadlines:

The recommended deadline for students to submit the GAFD is Friday, November 1.
The absolute deadline to submit the GAFD is Tuesday, November 26.

The absolute deadline of November 26 is necessary for follow-up with students so that they have the necessary time to resolve any issues that might prevent the award of degree, such as missing or incomplete grades, outstanding balances, missing forms, etc.

17 October 2019

Colloquium tomorrow! Nandi Theunissen

Nandi Theunissen

Associate Professor of Philosophy
University of Pittsburgh

"The New Mooreans: On Personal and Impersonal Good"

Fri 18 Oct
IASH Conference Room

reception to follow

get a flu shot

campuses are gross

12 October 2019

(not) categorical imperative

03 October 2019

Brown Bag


Thu 3 Oct, 11:45a

topic: Christine Korsgaard, "Species-Being and the Badness of Extinction and Death"

faculty's turn for lunch

02 October 2019


01 October 2019

Woodrow Wilson / Newcombe Fellowships

The Woodrow Wilson Foundation has opened its 2020 competition for several fellowships that support either dissertation completion or junior faculty progress toward tenure. Recipients not only receive support for their work, but also join a 75-year-old network of some 27,000 Woodrow Wilson Fellows—a select group with an impressive collective record of scholarship, teaching, service, and public influence. Thank you for your consideration; we look forward to hearing from any excellent candidates whom you might help us to identify.

Upcoming competition deadlines:

The Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowships in Women’s Studies
Deadline: October 15, 2019

Encourages research about women and gender that crosses disciplinary, regional, or cultural boundaries. Recent Fellows have explored such topics as reproduction in the context of chronic disease, algorithmic detection of child abuse images, and changing feminist visions at the UN from 1975 to 1995. Download the program flyer here. Questions may be directed to hogans@woodrow.org.

The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships 
Deadline: November 15, 2019

Designed to encourage original and significant study of religious and ethical values in fields across the humanities and social sciences, the 2020 Newcombe Fellowships are available to Ph.D. and Th.D. candidates who expect to complete their dissertation between April and August 2021. Download the program flyer here. Questions may be directed to hogans@woodrow.org.

what kind of problem is climate change?

this is weirdly bad:


maybe if you read it as about PPE rather than about climate change it makes more sense

30 September 2019


ugh, this guy used to be Dean of the Graduate School here

28 September 2019

Should Brindisi support the impeachment investigation?

LINK: https://petitions.moveon.org/sign/congress-uphold-the-constitu?source=s.fb&r_hash=WjNI95sP

To be delivered to Representative Anthony Brindisi

Representative Anthony Brindisi- support the impeachment investigation. This is NOT a time to be on the fence. We know you are concerned. Stand up for your beliefs!

24 September 2019

flat-out assaults

19 September 2019

Colloquium tomorrow!

Stephen Darwall

Andrew Downey Orrick Professor of Philosophy
Yale University

"Why Obligations Can't Be Bipolar (Directed) All the Way Down"

Friday, September 20
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
IASH Room (LN-1106)
reception to follow

17 September 2019

frontiers of artificial intelligence

I'm looking forward to posting the title of Darwall's talk, but as I work on that, here's this:

try it with your own image:

08 September 2019

Can't Buy Me Love

30 August 2019

Universities face federal crackdown over foreign financial influence

The department announced this summer that it was investigatingwhether Georgetown, Texas A&M, Cornell and Rutgers universities were fully complying with a federal law that requires colleges to report all gifts and contracts from foreign sources that exceed $250,000. In letters sent to the universities in July, department officials wrote that they were seeking records dating as far back as nine years, outlining agreements, communication and financial transactions with entities and governments in countries such as China, Qatar, Russia and Saudi Arabia.


27 August 2019

22 August 2019

establishing residency

Announcement from Student Accounts:
Establishing Residency
To be eligible for resident tuition in the second year, it is important that students take steps to make New York State their documented residence as soon as they arrive in New York . These steps include transferring their driver's license and vehicle registration to the State of New York, filing income taxes as a New York State resident, registering to vote in the State, and changing their address on file with their bank to your New York address. Students should also keep a copy of their lease (or deed) for their residence.
New York State residency eligibility is based on the student's ability to demonstrate that they have taken steps to make New York your primary residence for the past year. In accordance with this policy, it is important that students take the outlined steps to document their  New York residence immediately following their arrival in the State. Failure to do so could make a student ineligible for resident tuition rates in their second year. Documentation should be transferred to New York within 30 days of your arrival in the state to ensure eligibility.
The New York State DMV has important information pertaining to this. As a New York State resident, it is necessary to change your driver's license to New York in accordance with New York State Department of Motor Vehicle law. The policy can be found at:  http://www.dmv.ny.gov/resident.htm.  A New York State driver’s license must be obtained within 30 days of claiming intent to become a New York State resident.  Personal property, such as vehicles, must be registered in New York State. If you move to New York and become a resident, you must register your vehicle within 30 days  of becoming a resident.The policy can be found at: https://dmv.ny.gov/registration/register-out-state-vehicle.  
Graduate/Professional students are expected to complete this application as an independent student. As such,  it is important that students are not claimed as a dependent on any income tax filing and that they file income taxes as a resident of the State of New York (if required). If the student has worked in a state other than New York, they must file as a part-year resident of that state and use their New York home address on the return.
Funded Graduate Students
In order to maintain full tuition scholarship funding, students are normally required to establish New York State residency by the start of their second year of study. Generally, all tuition scholarships are paid at the New York State resident rate for the second and subsequent years of study.
Funded graduate students are asked to complete a residency application by the residency deadline for the semester in which their funding reverts to the in-state rate. This will ensure that tuition scholarship funding is not interrupted. At the time of the application, students should have already made New York your primary and documented residence.
Students seeking information regarding transferring their license, vehicle registration, and voter registration to the State of New York should visit the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles website at: https://dmv.ny.gov/.
Students seeking information regarding taxes should visit the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance website at: https://www.tax.ny.gov/

19 August 2019

here we go again

SPEL Orientation

Tuesday, August 20

9:00 am-11:00 am
New Teaching Assistants meet with a few of our current graduate students.  Breakfast provided.
11:30 am-12:30 pm
New students meet with Professor Goodman who will provide an overview of the program and answer any questions.
12:30 pm-2:00 pm
All SPEL students (new and returning) and faculty will meet together. Lunch will be provided.
2:20 pm-4:20 pm
Individual meetings with Professor Goodman (in his office)

06 August 2019

parking permit season

Purchase your parking permit online
Parking permits are available for purchase online for the upcoming academic year or semester at the Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) website. To log in, you will need your Binghamton University PODS ID.

First-time permit buyer? You must first register your vehicle online with the University. If you are a returning customer, log in, follow the step-by-step instructions and confirm that your vehicle information is up to date. 

Proximity card permits are available for purchase at the Parking Services office. If you are signed up for a proximity card permit with payroll deduct, no action is required.

TAPS utilizes License Plate Recognition (LPR) that eliminates the need for parking decals. LPR is a plate-recognition technology that virtually associates Binghamton University parking permits to a license plate without a decal or hangtag. Once a virtual permit is purchased online a confirmation will be emailed and the permit is active. Vehicle information can be updated from your online account at any time. 

Additional information on TAPS updates for the upcoming year can be found on the TAPS website at binghamton.edu/transportation-and-parking/news/.Any questions can be directed to parking@binghamton.edu.

feral hogs


source: https://twitter.com/jhermann/status/1158448132323192833

26 July 2019

Equifax and the language of morals

You Have a Moral Obligation to Claim Your $125 From Equifax


I may have banked up to $125 by filling out this Equifax claim in seconds — what are you waiting for?


philosophical commitments and medical ethics

16 July 2019

who has thumbs and a favorable opinion of socialism?


Objective College Rankings



open syllabus project


For decades, the syllabus has been the roadmap to college classes, listing homework, assignments, and most crucially, texts for students to read and reference. But while a syllabus might be able to teach students what they’re in for during the semester, academics have lacked a tool to analyze large masses of syllabi to better understand what teachers are teaching in different disciplines. That means there isn’t as much empirical data about the content being taught at universities.
The Open Syllabus Project aims to fix this problem. Researchers at the the American Assembly, a nonprofit housed within Columbia University, have collected an archive of more than six million syllabi from college courses all over the world that could help teachers to create new syllabi and researchers to garner a cross-cultural understanding of higher education.

Pearson phasing out print textbooks


21 June 2019


Binghamton is #28 in bestcollegereviews.org's list of best college towns in America.

It is a very silly list.

17 June 2019

citation stats

to be clear, this is someone citing a bear, not the bear citing someone.

16 June 2019

TRIP 1-credit courses

"For the Fall 2019 semester, TRIP is offering two graduate language for reading and translation courses, one in French, and one in Spanish, each for 1-credit. We hope to offer German in the spring 2020 semester.

Note that students who take these courses will be graded for this one-credit course based on their course work. Students completing their departmental language requirement are expected to take a final exam with a faculty member, either as arranged by TRIP, or as students arrange with a faculty member in their home department. Students’ grade on this faculty-led exam will not impact their final grade in the course.

TRIP 525, French for Reading & Translation
            Friday, 1:30-2:30 pm, FA 241

TRIP 535, Spanish for Reading & Translation
            Friday, 2:40-3:40 pm, FA 241

Course Description:
This course is intended for master’s and doctoral students whose department requires they pass a written foreign language exam, frequently a translation exam, to advance in their program. Students work independently and in class meetings to obtain high-level reading and translation ability that serves them in their research. While this class may prepare students for department exams, it is separate from, and does not take the place of these exams."

If you still need to satisfy the SPEL graduate language requirement, these courses may be exactly what you need.  

Confidential Mode

I can't quite figure out what this would be useful for, but ok.

Google will enable Confidential Mode for our G-Suite domain on Tuesday, June 25. This means that users will be able to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access since recipients of messages in confidential mode do not have the option to forward, copy, print or download messages which also might include attachments. Users can set expiration dates for messages, revoke message access at any time and require an SMS verification code to access messages. 

Note that this mode helps prevent recipients from accidentally sharing an email but does not prevent users from taking screenshots or photos of your messages/attachments. 

More detailed information can be found on the ITS page short link to http://bit.ly/confidentialB

Any questions can be directed to the Help Desk.

03 June 2019

Graduate School Travel Grant

Graduate School Travel Grant

The Graduate Council Budget Advisory Committee oversees distribution of Graduate School Travel Grants for doctoral students. Since applications typically exceed funds, the committee rates applicants on the following criteria:
Graduate Level
  • Although all students are eligible, preference is given to doctoral students who are advanced to candidacy (ABD).
  • Support amount limitations are $1000 per year for graduate students in good standing.
Travel Purpose
  • Travel to conferences where the student's name appears on the program. Applicants must submit a letter from the conference organizers accepting the student's work/proposal, a copy of the conference program or other conference materials containing the student's name as a participant.
  • Travel for dissertation research or professional development. Applicants must include a clear, brief explanation of no more than 250 words, detailing the need for and purposes of travel.
Other Selection Criteria
  • Priority is given to applicants who have not received travel grants the previous two semesters
  • Visibility/significance of conference
  • Departmental support, demonstrated through letters of support and/or additional funding
Other Details
  • Awards will be coordinated as fully as possible with the graduate student conference, travel or research funding support available through the Graduate Student Organization. Students may apply for both. Amounts received will depend on the funds available and the number of applicants.
  • Expenses covered include billed travel or mileage reimbursement, conference registration and lodging. Meals are excluded. Please provide original receipts for all eligible expenses.
  • Travel awards granted before travel and in excess of $500 are subject to tax witholdings. Travel awards processed as a reimburesement are not.
Application and Award Process
Complete and submit the Graduate School Travel Grant Application as a single pdf to gsfin@binghamton.edu. All applications, which must be typed, require clear explanations of the purpose of travel, a detailed budget or expense account and the signature of a graduate director or dissertation adviser, indicating their endorsement of the proposal.
Travel must be within six months (before or after) of application submission. Applications are due by 5 p.m. on the first Friday of July, November or April. Graduate students are eligible to be funded once per academic year.
The Graduate Council Budget Advisory Committee meets three times per year to review applications. Applicants will be notified of the results of their application following that meeting, approximately 30 days after the submission deadline. Grants will be made, if possible, before student travel takes place. Students may apply for expenses related to travel if travel occurred within the time periods specified above and if original receipts are provided.

01 June 2019

modus tollens!

so rare to see it in popular culture

still waiting to see biconditional introduction or DeMorgan replacement in a cartoon.

Creighton Club CFP

Dear All,

Below are links to the Call for Papers for the 165th meeting of the Creighton Club, the New York State Philosophical Society.  Could you kindly share this information with your departments?

Phil Events: https://philevents.org/event/show/73314
Creighton Club Website: http://creightonclub.blogspot.com/

The deadline for submissions this year is July 1, 2019.  Submissions, offers to comment, and inquiries should be sent to TheCreightonClub@gmail.com

Best wishes,

The Creighton Club Officers
Michael Rieppel
Steve Petersen
John Keller

24 May 2019

alumni affairs

hey look -- a Binghamton alumnus (#2) got paid almost as much as our entire endowment just last year

I think we might not be good at the corporate university thing.

new SPEL baby!

welcome Joey!

13 May 2019

exam week

11 May 2019

classes over

01 May 2019

#1 *and* #5

I'm not sure how competitive the category is.


Oxford University Press

update to add:

suck it, Nabokov

30 April 2019

Biden on Kant

29 April 2019

28 April 2019


can't decide ...

I'm leaning towards yes, and the author has been waiting for an occasion to use that phrase for a long time, though.

19 April 2019

oh my

Mr. Lamparello is a doctoral candidate in philosophy at the City University of New York. His mother told the New Jersey authorities he had an apartment in New York City.

He was a 2004 graduate of Boston College and was listed as teaching courses at Brooklyn College this spring.

15 April 2019

Brownbag tomorrow!

Brownbag Luncheon!

topic: "Relational Equality and the Expressive Dimension of State Action" by Kristin Voigt
food: sponsored by GSO

Tue 16 Apr
LN-2200 (IASH Conference Room)

12 April 2019

sacks, stonking

SPELblog supports global English with Roger Scruton illustrations:


Government sacks Roger Scruton after remarks about Soros and Islamophobia

Philosopher loses role as housing adviser following ‘unacceptable comments’

02 April 2019

GMAP Conference this weekend

Annual Conference: Frontiers of Prevention II
April 5-6, 2019
Binghamton University Downtown Center
Binghamton, N.Y., USA

Program link: here