29 October 2018

That is bad,

says philosophy professor ...


15 October 2018

SPEL Colloquium this Friday!

Kenneth Walden

Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Dartmouth College

"Reason and Respect"

Friday 19 October
LN-1106 (IASH Conference Room! unusual location!)

12 October 2018

SPEL Graduate Conference

2018 SPEL Graduate Conference

"Toleration: Accepting the Other"

keynote: Tommy Curry

Saturday, October 27th
University Downtown Center

website: here

08 October 2018

news from the Grad School

Foundation Travel Grant Deadline
The deadline for Binghamton Foundation Travel Grant applications is Friday, November 2. Please be sure to remind any students interested in applying to have their forms turned in by end of business on that date. Complete application packets can be emailed to gsfin@binghamton.edu. Please see this link for further details.
Clark Travel Grant Deadline
The deadline for Clark Travel Grant applications is Friday, November 2. Clark Travel Grants are only available to current Clark Fellowship recipients. Please be sure to remind any students interested in applying to have their forms turned in by end of business on that date. Complete application packets can be emailed to gsfin@binghamton.edu. Please see this link for further details.
Graduate Application for Degree (GAFD)
Do you have students who are graduating this fall? The Graduate Application for Degree is now available. Please note the recommended deadline for submitting the GAFD is November 9, 2018. The absolute deadline for submitting the GAFD for Fall 2018 is December 7, 2018. The GAFD can be found on the Graduate School website.

04 October 2018

This should count as passing

of course no one is willing to log into the new mandatory cybersecurity training:

Email message from uctd@binghamton.edu is legitimate
Many users have reported receiving a suspicious message with the subject of “BinghamtonU2018 assigned to Your Name.” ITS commends the cautiousness of users, and appreciates that many have brought the communication to its attention. 

However, this specific message is a legitimate correspondence from the University Center for Training and Development to notify users of SUNY-mandated Annual Security Awareness Training.