26 September 2018

The himpathy reckoning


Final Exam schedule Fall 2018

PHIL107A 0Mon. Dec 10, 201805:40 PM07:40 PMEB 110Guay, Robert
PHIL122A 0Tue. Dec 11, 201810:25 AM12:25 PMSL 212Dietrich, Eric
PHIL14001Fri. Dec 14, 201812:50 PM02:50 PMSW 206Towers, Andrew
PHIL146A 0Thu. Dec 13, 201803:15 PM05:15 PMLH 014Iser, Mattias
PHIL149A 0Fri. Dec 14, 201803:15 PM05:15 PMS1 149Bar On, Bat-Ami
PHIL201A 0Wed. Dec 12, 201808:00 AM10:00 AMUU 202Preus, Anthony
PHIL380S01Mon. Dec 10, 201812:50 PM02:50 PMSW 107Dietrich, Eric

24 September 2018

hey look it's a new required training module

As part of the SUNY Information Security Policy, SANs Securing the Human training has been made available to the Binghamton University community. Faculty and staff are required to complete this training annually, and all modules must be completed in order to receive a training certificate. Modules include short video presentations along with a brief quiz. Completion of the training should take approximately 15 minutes. Participants will receive an email with instructions for accessing the training. Welcome emails will be sent out starting Oct. 1, so keep an eye open for it to complete this required training. 

brown bag!

tomorrow (TUE 25 SEPT)

(i.e., Indian food)

topic: "On Epistemic Appropriation"

LN-2200 (that long room on the second floor)

21 September 2018


this is not actually SPEL related, but the cantina song from Star Wars has the same bpm as "Party Rock Anthem"

free speech

article about Kate Manne, former guest of SPEL, being threatened with a lawsuit by Jordan Peterson:


17 September 2018

SPEL Professional Development Workshop on Thu.

SPEL Professional Development Workshop

"Leading Discussion Sections"

Thu 20 Sept
LT 1210

*Mandatory for all first- and second-year SPEL students other than terminal MA students unless
noted. Everyone else is welcome and/or encouraged to attend. Students going on the market
should attend all Fall seminars.

13 September 2018

Primary Day

vote !!!!!

SPEL Colloquium this FRIDAY!

first one of the academic year!

Krista Thomason

Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Swarthmore College

"Toward a Unified Account of Shame as a Moral Emotion"

Friday 14 September