25 December 2018

Holiday posting

16 December 2018

End of year epistemology

14 December 2018

Teaching Online Certification Program

The Center for Learning and Teaching invites you to apply to the Spring 2019 cohort of the Teaching Online Certification Program. This program is designed to help you learn more about online course development, online pedagogies, and other best practices for teaching online. Graduate students will receive $500 upon successful completion of the program and full-time faculty will receive $1000. 

Before you apply, please be sure to read the requirements and features of the program. The application is available online

Here are a few testimonials from faculty and graduate students who went through our previous years’ programs: 

“Even though I have been teaching online courses for a number of years, and using a variety of different methods, I found the Online Teaching Certificate Program very useful. For me, the highlight of the Program was getting to interact with colleagues from different disciplines, and sharing ideas and best practices. With that said, I learned something new from each of the components of the Program that will enhance my online teaching.” - Mark Reisinger, Geography
"Taking the Teaching Online Certification program was an invaluable opportunity for me. The program introduced me to the idea of backward design, as well as the various technologies that can help open up a classroom to all students. I'm hoping that this new knowledge will foster a better and more inclusive learning environment for my students and myself. With the support of the CLT, I believe that I am a stronger teacher, not just online, but in the classroom as well.” - Kara Maloney, English

We would love to see you apply. Due to a limited number of spots, applications submitted by instructors teaching in Summer or Fall 2019 will have first priority. Applications close on January 28, 2019.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

argument visualization pedagogy

"Improving analytical reasoning and argument understanding: a quasi-experimental field study of argument visualization"

06 December 2018

Graduate Student Excellence

Congratulations to ...

🏆🏆🏆 Jenn Dum 🏆🏆🏆

Graduate Student Excellence Award in Research winner

- and -

🏆🏆🏆 Aaron Schultz 🏆🏆🏆

Graduate Student Excellence Award in Teaching winner

future winners, please work on your portfolios ...

03 December 2018

Last week of classes blogging

I found (did not make) this map:

Graduate Student Excellence Award announcements coming soon.

13 November 2018

Political philosophy/philosophy of law job at Utica College

Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy, Utica College, Utica College

Map data ©2018 Google
Job categoryJunior faculty / Tenure-track or similar
AOSPhilosophy of Law, Political Philosophy
AOS categoriesPhilosophy of Law
Social and Political Philosophy
WorkloadFull time
LocationUtica College, New York, United States
Job description
Utica College seeks applications for a tenure-track, Assistant Professor position in its Philosophy Department. Strong preference will be given to candidates with competence in the analytic tradition.   Candidates must have a Ph.D. by August 1, 2019.  4/4 teaching load with on-ground and online teaching required. Prior undergraduate teaching experience and active professional scholarship is required. Strong preference will be given to candidates with competence in analytic tradition. AOS: Philosophy of Law, Political Philosophy; AOC: Open, and candidates with an ability to teach introduction to ethics are preferable.
 In deciding whether to apply for a position at Utica College, candidates are strongly encouraged to consider the UC mission and culture to help determine their potential success at http://www.utica.edu/instadvance/marketingcomm/about/. Our Mission and Values Statement includes a commitment to fostering diversity in background,  perspective, and experience within an environment that is dedicated to the freedom of expression and the open sharing of ideas.  At UC, diversity means that we are a community that represents a range of human experience and makes conscious choices to appreciate, respect, and learn from each other. Utica College actively seeks and welcomes applications from candidates with exceptional qualifications, particularly those with demonstrable commitments to a more inclusive society.
To apply, submit a letter of application, CV, evidence of teaching excellence, statement of teaching philosophy, writing sample, research statement, and three references. Candidates are asked to submit an additional reflective statement about teaching in the required applicant document titled “diversity statement”. Since Utica College strives to be a diverse and inclusive community, it is essential that you include in this statement a reflection on the kinds of experiences you have had, and the kinds of approaches you would take, teaching and working with a diverse student body. (For the definition of diversity that we use at Utica College, please see the following web page: http://www.utica.edu/instadvance/marketingcomm/about/diversity/aboutus.cfm.)
Applications that do not address diversity will be considered incomplete.
In line with the College’s Affirmative Action Policy, there is no requirement or expectation that a candidate disclose their identity or membership in any protected class or group, either in the diversity statement or in other application documents submitted to the search committee. For additional information on what to provide in your diversity statement please reference the diversity statement guide at the following link: https://www.utica.edu/hr/media/Diversity_Statement_Guide.pdf
All application materials must be submitted online at the following link:                 http://uc.peopleadmin.com/postings/2273
For full consideration, complete applications must be received by December 1, 2018 and continue until the position is filled. Selected applicants will be interviewed via Skype, not at the Eastern APA Division meeting. Finalists will be invited to a campus interview.
Utica College is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.  We encourage applications from under-represented groups, including disabled and veterans as well as individuals who have experience with diverse populations.
How to apply
Application typeOnline
Web address to applyhttp://uc.peopleadmin.com/postings/2273
Deadline for full consideration:December 1, 2018, 12:00am EST
Hard deadlineNo deadline specified (applications considered on an ongoing basis)
Web address for more informationhttp://uc.peopleadmin.com/postings/2273
Time createdAugust 22, 2018, 8:56am EST
Scheduled expiry dateMarch 9, 2019, 5:10pm EST
Last updatedOctober 4, 2018, 8:57am EST
Last update notificationThere are no notifications for this ad. 
Save the ad using the "save" button below to receive notifications of significant updates.
Job Market CalendarThis institution has confirmed that the position advertised will follow the APA's recommended job market calendar.

07 November 2018

SPEL Professional Development Workshop

SPEL Professional Development Workshop

"Managing Your Time"

I think this is Thu 8 Nov
mandatory for 1st and 2nd year SPEL students, optional for everyone else.

SPEL Colloquium on Friday

Jake Davis

Virtues of Attention Project
New York University

"Is there a Global Norm of Global Mindfulness?"

Friday, November 9th

15 October 2018

SPEL Colloquium this Friday!

Kenneth Walden

Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Dartmouth College

"Reason and Respect"

Friday 19 October
LN-1106 (IASH Conference Room! unusual location!)

12 October 2018

SPEL Graduate Conference

2018 SPEL Graduate Conference

"Toleration: Accepting the Other"

keynote: Tommy Curry

Saturday, October 27th
University Downtown Center

website: here

08 October 2018

news from the Grad School

Foundation Travel Grant Deadline
The deadline for Binghamton Foundation Travel Grant applications is Friday, November 2. Please be sure to remind any students interested in applying to have their forms turned in by end of business on that date. Complete application packets can be emailed to gsfin@binghamton.edu. Please see this link for further details.
Clark Travel Grant Deadline
The deadline for Clark Travel Grant applications is Friday, November 2. Clark Travel Grants are only available to current Clark Fellowship recipients. Please be sure to remind any students interested in applying to have their forms turned in by end of business on that date. Complete application packets can be emailed to gsfin@binghamton.edu. Please see this link for further details.
Graduate Application for Degree (GAFD)
Do you have students who are graduating this fall? The Graduate Application for Degree is now available. Please note the recommended deadline for submitting the GAFD is November 9, 2018. The absolute deadline for submitting the GAFD for Fall 2018 is December 7, 2018. The GAFD can be found on the Graduate School website.

04 October 2018

This should count as passing

of course no one is willing to log into the new mandatory cybersecurity training:

Email message from uctd@binghamton.edu is legitimate
Many users have reported receiving a suspicious message with the subject of “BinghamtonU2018 assigned to Your Name.” ITS commends the cautiousness of users, and appreciates that many have brought the communication to its attention. 

However, this specific message is a legitimate correspondence from the University Center for Training and Development to notify users of SUNY-mandated Annual Security Awareness Training.

26 September 2018

The himpathy reckoning


Final Exam schedule Fall 2018

PHIL107A 0Mon. Dec 10, 201805:40 PM07:40 PMEB 110Guay, Robert
PHIL122A 0Tue. Dec 11, 201810:25 AM12:25 PMSL 212Dietrich, Eric
PHIL14001Fri. Dec 14, 201812:50 PM02:50 PMSW 206Towers, Andrew
PHIL146A 0Thu. Dec 13, 201803:15 PM05:15 PMLH 014Iser, Mattias
PHIL149A 0Fri. Dec 14, 201803:15 PM05:15 PMS1 149Bar On, Bat-Ami
PHIL201A 0Wed. Dec 12, 201808:00 AM10:00 AMUU 202Preus, Anthony
PHIL380S01Mon. Dec 10, 201812:50 PM02:50 PMSW 107Dietrich, Eric

24 September 2018

hey look it's a new required training module

As part of the SUNY Information Security Policy, SANs Securing the Human training has been made available to the Binghamton University community. Faculty and staff are required to complete this training annually, and all modules must be completed in order to receive a training certificate. Modules include short video presentations along with a brief quiz. Completion of the training should take approximately 15 minutes. Participants will receive an email with instructions for accessing the training. Welcome emails will be sent out starting Oct. 1, so keep an eye open for it to complete this required training. 

brown bag!

tomorrow (TUE 25 SEPT)

(i.e., Indian food)

topic: "On Epistemic Appropriation"

LN-2200 (that long room on the second floor)

21 September 2018


this is not actually SPEL related, but the cantina song from Star Wars has the same bpm as "Party Rock Anthem"

free speech

article about Kate Manne, former guest of SPEL, being threatened with a lawsuit by Jordan Peterson:


17 September 2018

SPEL Professional Development Workshop on Thu.

SPEL Professional Development Workshop

"Leading Discussion Sections"

Thu 20 Sept
LT 1210

*Mandatory for all first- and second-year SPEL students other than terminal MA students unless
noted. Everyone else is welcome and/or encouraged to attend. Students going on the market
should attend all Fall seminars.

13 September 2018

Primary Day

vote !!!!!

SPEL Colloquium this FRIDAY!

first one of the academic year!

Krista Thomason

Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Swarthmore College

"Toward a Unified Account of Shame as a Moral Emotion"

Friday 14 September

17 August 2018

Palindrome Week

what a great week:


unfortunately next week is going to suck.

16 August 2018

traffic patterns

it's almost happening

Move-in Day parking and traffic patterns
The campus is reminded that new students move in Sunday, Aug. 19, and returning students move in on Monday, Aug. 20. Faculty and staff are asked to park in lots F, G and H on these days to avoid parking where families are being directed. 

The Visitors Paid Lot will be open at no charge Sunday, Aug. 19, and Monday, Aug. 20. The parking garage will be open to admission guests and proximity card holders only.

Due to the East Access Road and part of the Connector Road being set up as one-way traffic for move-in days Sunday, Aug. 19, and Monday, Aug. 20, the campus community is reminded to use the main entrance/Center Drive and the lower Bunn Hill Road entrance to enter campus Sunday and Monday. 

In addition, the University Union bus stop will be temporarily relocated to Lot C on Sunday and Monday and there will be no parking in this lot on either day. 

All parking and traffic patterns will return to normal use Tuesday, Aug. 21.

12 August 2018


6.8% of Binghamton undergraduates receive Excelsior Scholarships, by the way.

11 August 2018

it's still summer, but barely

à propos of nothing ...

31 July 2018

Parking permits

Parking permits on sale beginning Aug. 1
Parking permits, except proximity card permits, are available for purchase online for the upcoming academic year or semester beginning Wednesday, Aug. 1, through the Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) website. To log in, you will need your Binghamton University PODS ID. 

First time permit buyer? You must first register your vehicle online with the University. If you are a returning customer, log in and follow the step-by-step instructions. Proximity card permits will be available for purchase and renewal Wednesday, Aug. 8. If you are signed up for a proximity card permit with payroll deduction, no action is required.

TAPS utilizes License Plate Recognition (LPR) that eliminates the need for parking decals. LPR is a plate-recognition technology that virtually associates Binghamton University parking permits to a license plate without a decal or hangtag. Once a virtual permit is purchased online, a confirmation will be emailed and the permit is active. Vehicle information can be updated from your online account at any time.

Additional information on TAPS updates for the upcoming year can be found on the TAPS website at binghamton.edu/transportation-and-parking/news/.Any questions can be directed to parking@binghamton.edu.

More Info

25 July 2018

meanwhile at Stanford

learn Nietzsche from Peter Thiel (and Russell Berman)?

24 July 2018

even more for your syllabus (not really)

course objectives: mostly goats.

more for your syllabus


Setting the tone for your class

The tone for the semester is set even before students set foot into your classroom--through the language you include in your syllabus. As you begin to create your syllabi, we recommend that you include the sample statement below, to communicate your commitment to creating a gender-affirming classroom.
Sample Statement
Chosen Names and Personal Pronouns:
Everyone has the right to be addressed by the name and pronouns that correspond to their gender identity, including non-binary pronouns, for example: they/them/theirs, ze/zir/zirs, etc. Rosters do not list gender or pronouns so you may be asked to indicate the pronouns you use so that I don't make assumptions based on your name and/or appearance/self-presentation (you are not obligated to do so). If you use a chosen name, please let me know. Chosen names and pronouns are to be respected at all times in the classroom. Mistakes in addressing one another may happen, so I encourage an environment of openness to correction and learning. I will not however, tolerate repeated comments which disrespect or antagonize students who have indicated pronouns or a chosen name. Chosen name and personal pronouns may evolve over time, so if at any point during the semester you would like to be addressed differently, please let me know.
Faculty who adopt the statement are asked to send a short email to the Q Center at lgbtq@binghamton.edu as they would like to keep an informal count of its adoption.

20 July 2018

show me the turnips

 "Your well-informed message to me of the dispatch of the Teltow turnips was received with the greatest thanks. They have not arrived yet; presumably because of the path ruined by the frost, but I look forward to this gift on a daily basis." - I. Kant, Königsberg, 20 Dec 1799

27 June 2018

Campus WiFi change

Please see the message below from Logan Robinson, Communications Director regarding WiFi changes on campus.  All questions and calls should be directed to the ITS HelpDesk (7-6420) or the ITS Website:

here was an important message in Dateline surrounding a WiFi change on campus. Please review and run the JoinNow tool and connect to eduroam. If you will not be on campus this summer, make note to reconfigure your wireless devices when you return to campus in the fall. Reminder messaging will also be shared at that time. 

Campus WiFi change - run JoinNow and connect to eduroam

A change is coming to campus WiFi. Information Technology Services (ITS) will be migrating the primary secure WiFi access from the busecure network to the eduroam network. Users should run the JoinNow tool by visiting wireless.binghamton.edu to configure their device for WiFi and connect to eduroam. During the transition, the busecure network will still be available through January.

What is eduroam? - eduroam is the secure, world-wide wireless internet access service developed for the international research and education community. Students, researchers, faculty, and staff can connect to participating institutions wireless networks with their Binghamton University user credentials. A full list of participating institutions is available here.

Why are we doing this? - Connecting to eduroam allows users to connect securely and at Binghamton University and other participating institutions without having to reconfigure their device’s wireless settings.

Visit the ITS website to learn more or contact the Help Desk with questions.
Feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions regarding the decision to make this change. 

22 June 2018

changing over internet service

Spectrum mobile office on campus
The University will host a Spectrum mobile office on the main campus from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday, June 25 through Saturday, June 30, to facilitate the transition of off-campus internet services from Binghamton University to Spectrum. The mobile office will be located in the parking lot between the Couper Administration and Fine Arts buildings. Current off-campus internet users through Binghamton University need to transfer their service over to Spectrum prior to July 31, 2018, and contact the Telecommunications office with the transfer date to end Telecommunications-based billing. Customers converting their existing service to Spectrum billing should return their internet modem and power cord to the Spectrum store or the mobile office to exchange it for new equipment. Customers who opt to disconnect their Spectrum service altogether prior to July 31 need to return their modem to the Telecommunications office. Contact the Telecommunications Office for more information.

13 June 2018


will the future be like the past??

12 June 2018

happy loving day

01 June 2018

beware of main drive

Bartle Drive paving
Work to re-pave Bartle Drive, including the main drive, traffic circle and branch east of the traffic circle, has started. The contractor will be milling existing pavement. Incoming and outgoing traffic will be limited to one lane in each direction during milling. Granite curbs will be reset. Paving is expected to take place June 1-5. During paving, it is anticipated that Bartle Drive will be closed completely and other campus entrances/exists should be used. 

Additional summer projects:
Academic Complex Walkway Adjacent to Student Wing: May 23 - June 6
Appalachian Walkway: May 29 - May 31
Old Digman/Old Rafuse Walkways: May 30 - June 18
Walkways below Paid Parking: June 1 - July 16
Visitors Parking: July 5-6
Walkway Adjacent to Bingham: June 4-6
Hinman Service Drives: June 4-7
Lehman Courtyard: June 8 - June 13
Walkway North of Events Center/Bearcat Sports Complex: June 8-12
West Drive from Academic Complex to Engineering Building: July 12-20
Drive to Campus Pre School and ICD Parking Area: June 25-26 
Bearcat Boulevard: June 25 - July 9
Parking Lot F: June 28 - July 3
Visitors Parking: July 5-6

More Info

21 May 2018

damn internet


As a result of Charter's acquisition of Time Warner Cable, Time Warner Cable no longer exists as a separate entity. The University has been notified that, as of July 31, 2018, Binghamton University Telecommunications will no longer be able to provide the billing and service for your now-Spectrum-based internet account as it did under Time Warner Cable.

Customers are encouraged to evaluate internet options in their area. We have been advised that those who wish to continue to use Spectrum for their home internet service will be eligible to receive Spectrum's "new customer" introductory packages. During the week of May 21, a memo will be provided to current Telecommunications Spectrum subscribers that can be presented to the local Spectrum office to facilitate the process of establishing this service and billing directly with Spectrum. In addition, the University will host a Spectrum mobile office on the main campus during the summer to facilitate this transition. As details on this mobile office become available they will be shared with customers. Upon making the payment for your final month of internet service with Telecommunications the transition process will be complete.

07 May 2018

when do grades roll?

just putting this here:

Faculty Grading 
Faculty grading tools, including Discovery Program online mid-term assessments.
*Grading for Spring 2018 is now open.
*Grades for Spring 2018 will be rolled at 4PM on the following days:
Wednesday, May 10th
Monday, May 14th
Thursday, May 17th
Monday, May 21st
and the final grade roll, Wednesday, May 23rd.
*Term GPA’s will be calculated by close of business, Wednesday, May 23rd.
*After the final grade roll, grading will be closed.
*Once grading is closed, grade changes, including submission of missing grades, require a Change of Grade Form,
available in Academic Departments or in Financial Aid and Student Records, Admissions Center, room 112.