31 July 2017

Tobacco is defined as tobacco

Campus becomes tobacco free Tuesday, Aug. 1Hide Show
Binghamton University’s Tobacco-Free Campus Policy becomes effective Tuesday, Aug. 1. The policy encourages an environment that promotes the health, well-being and safety of students, faculty, staff and visitors on University-owned or rented property by minimizing the effects of secondhand smoke, improving fire safety and encouraging a more sustainable and clean environment.

Tobacco is defined as all tobacco and tobacco-derived products intended for human consumption.

This transition has been in process for several months, and the campus is reminded that there is support for those who wish to stop using tobacco products, including smoking cessation classes, nicotine-replacement therapy and the Healthy Practices Clinic.

More information on Binghamton University’s Tobacco-Free Campus Initiative, including the policy, answers to frequently asked questions and available resources to assist those who wish to quit, visit the web.

21 July 2017


construction proceeds apace at the Ham-o-vative Technology Center

20 July 2017

virtual parking stickers

License Plate Recognition to replace parking decals

JULY 20, 2017

Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) announces that parking decal stickers will be eliminated beginning with the fall 2017 semester. TAPS is integrating new parking software that utilizes License Plate Recognition (LPR) to improve the campus parking experience. This new system no longer requires decals on vehicles, but rather links license plate numbers to a virtual permits. All those who plan to purchase a parking permit to park a vehicle on campus will be required to register their vehicle and purchase a virtual permit. All permits for the upcoming year may be purchased online beginning in August and confirmation will be emailed. Once a confirmation has been received, the permit is active.
For additional information regarding virtual permits or LPR, visit the TAPS website or email TAPS.

14 July 2017

We're in the light blue, at least

07 July 2017

Summer graduation

Summer 2017 Graduate Application for Degree Open
The Graduate Application for Degree (GAFD) for Summer 2017 is available on the Graduation page of the Graduate School website. Timely completion of this form ensures timely completion of degree paperwork. The recommended submission date is Friday, August 4. Students must submit the GAFD by Friday, August 11. Students are also encouraged to take note of all degree requirements in the Graduate School Manual.  Departments must submit Recommendation for Award of Degree Forms by Monday, August 14