23 April 2017

new Chancellor?


19 April 2017

Congratulations to Shelly

Congratulations to Shelly Duford, who has accepted the position of tenure-track Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, as of Fall Semester 2017. Way to go Shelly!

SPEL workshop this Friday

SPEL professional development workshop


Friday, April 21
IASH Conference Room (LN - 1106)

The workshop is mandatory for all first- and second-year SPEL students.  

08 April 2017

yay, maintenance of effort

I don't actually understand this, but it's very important

07 April 2017



job at the Graduate School

2017-2018 Graduate Assistantship: Graduate Community of Scholars (GCOS) Program Coordinator
The Graduate School is seeking a Graduate Community of Scholars (GCOS) Program Coordinator. The candidate must be a graduate student -- preferably with course complete or ABD status -- with good organizational skills and the ability to work with graduate students and faculty. The GCOS Program Coordinator will work with the Associate Dean of the Graduate School to organize, advertise and implement professional development workshops, including a week-long dissertation boot camp during the winter semester. More information and application instructions can be found online. Additional questions can be directed to gcos@binghamton.edu.

05 April 2017

we're going to need a turnitin dropbox

for the Supreme Court


not interesting

Adviser vs. advisor

Adviser and advisor are both accepted spellings of the noun meaning one who advises or counsels. There is no difference between them. But adviser, the older version, is listed as the primary spelling in most dictionaries, and it is about five times as common as advisor in current news publications from throughout the English-speaking world.
n the U.S. and Canada, advisor is commonly used in official job titles, but adviser is still generally preferred over advisor in North America, and advisor is only marginally more common in American and Canadian English than in other varieties of English.

04 April 2017

PPL Speaker

This is not sponsored by SPEL but may should be of interest:

Professor Colleen Murphy
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne

"The Conceptual Foundations of Transitional Justice"


03 April 2017