24 February 2017

news from the Graduate School

Spring 2017 Graduate Application for Degree (GAFD) Deadline
The Spring 2017 Graduate Application for Degree (GAFD) is available on the Graduation webpage  of the Graduate School website. Timely completion of the GAFD ensures timely completion of degree paperwork and is also required for graduating students who wish to be recognized in the printed Commencement program. Students are strongly encouraged to apply before Friday, March 24 to be certain that their names will be included in the program. After Friday, March 24, students may still apply to graduate but their names may not appear in the program. Students are also encouraged to take note of all degree requirements in the Graduate School Manual.

Awards Calendar
Please take a moment to review our Awards Calendar, which contains several important dates for travelling graduate students. Applications for the Clark Fellowship Travel Grant (available for current Clark Fellows) and the Foundation Travel Grant are due to the Graduate School by the first Friday of April. Please contact Jessica Davis for assistance.

Graduate Faculty Awards and Distinguished Dissertation Awards
Each year, the Graduate School recognizes the important contributions of graduate students and graduate faculty to the excellence of Binghamton University with several renowned awards. Nominations for the Graduate Faculty Awards are due the first Mondayof March, and nominations for the Distinguished Dissertation Awards are due the first Friday of March. Please contact Jessica Davis with any questions.

22 February 2017

SPEL Workshop: Writing your prospectus

SPEL Professional Development Workshop

"Writing Your Prospectus/Thesis"

Friday, February 24th
Dean's Conference Room (LN-2200)

This workshop is mandatory for all 1st and 2nd year SPEL students; everyone else is welcome to come.

Registration for Fall starts on March 31st

Summer registration will begin Monday, March 6th at 9am for all students.

The Fall 2017 schedule will be live by the end of the day Thursday, March 23rd.  

Graduate students can begin registration on Friday, March 31st at 9 a.m. 
Undergraduate students can begin registration Monday, April 3rd at 9 a.m. time tickets will be based on credit hours earned. 

14 February 2017


well, alumnus baby, I guess.

dissertation defense

Blake Wilson

"What's So Private about Private Property?"

Monday 20 February
LT 1210

09 February 2017

Graduate application for degree

Are you planning to take a degree this semester?  If yes, The Graduate Application for Degree (GAFD) for Spring 2017 is available on the Graduate School website Graduation page.

The deadline to be included in the commencement program is Friday, March 24.  Timely completion of this form ensures timely completion of degree paperwork.  If you also wish to participate in Commencement this May, please visit the Commencement website and complete a participation form.

08 February 2017

Final exam schedules posted

link is here

did someone do something mean to CBASM? it's not a great schedule.

01 February 2017

Mattias at IASH reminder

February  1, 2017
IASH Fellows' Speaker Series:
Presented by:  Mattias Iser, (Philosophy)   "Fighting without a Chance. The Challenge of Expressive Violence"  
Abstract: Just war theory claims that defensive violence is only justified if there is a reasonable probability of success. Assuming that the Jewish uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto did not fulfil this criterion, it would thus have been impermissible. Attempts to avoid this counterintuitive result have referred to different kinds of success, such as deterrence, the broader effort of defeating the Nazis or defending one’s honor. I argue that none of these attempts succeeds because they remain bound to a merely instrumental notion of violence. I finally defend the, albeit problematic, idea of violence that expresses the victim’s agency.
February 1, 2017, 12:00 pm, IASH Conference Room (LN 1106)