31 October 2016

Nietzsche in pop culture

27 October 2016

Nihilist Arby's

would like to use the Nihilist Arby's twitter feed as a challenge to anthropology and the humanities to fully embrace despair.

18 October 2016

Brownbag next week

date/time: THU 27 OCT, 11:45-1:00

place: TBD

reading: Martha Nussbaum, Anger and Forgiveness, ch. 2

lunch: provided by department

Sandra Bartky (1935-2016)


Sandra Bartky, Professor Emerita of Philosophy at the University of Illinois at Chicago, died earlier today. 
Professor Bartky was known for her influential writing in feminist philosophy and phenomenology, as well as work on existentialism and critical theory. She received her undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
According to a post at Feminist Philosophers, Professor Bartky was one of the founding members of theSociety for Women in Philosophy (SWIP).
You can learn more about Professor Bartky and her work at this page as well as at this entry at Wikipedia, and the aforementioned post at Feminist Philosophers.

10 October 2016

SPEL Colloquium: Friday 14 October

SPEL Colloquium

David Boonin
Professor of Philosophy and Director, Center for Values and Social Policy
University of Colorado, Boulder

"Posthumous Harm"

UUW 324

07 October 2016

Workshop about to start

2016–17 WORKSHOPS*

*Mandatory for all first- and second-year SPEL students other than terminal MA students unless noted.  Everyone else is welcome and/or encouraged to attend. Students going on the market should attend all Fall seminars.

FALL 2016

7 OCT            Something about teaching
                        IASH Conference Room (LN-1106) 



UPDATE: The NYTimes is on it:


06 October 2016


Registration will begin for graduate students at 9 a.m. on Monday, October 31st, followed by undergraduate students at 1 p.m. on Monday, October 31st

Registration will remain open until 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, December 8th

News from the Graduate School

Graduate Student Excellence Awards
Each year, the Graduate School recognizes the important contributions of graduate students to the excellence of Binghamton University with several renowned awards, including those for Excellence in Teaching, Excellence in Research, and Excellence in Service/Outreach. Nominations are due the first Friday in November. Each program may nominate two graduate students per award per year. More information is available on our website. Please contact Jessica Davis at jfwillia@binghamton.edu with any questions.

Fall Travel Grants Deadlines
Please remind students that applications for the Foundation Travel Grant and Clark Fellowship Travel Grant are due on Friday, November 4. For more information, please visit our  Awards Processes and Deadlines page. For further assistance, please reach out to Jessica Davis at jfwillia@binghamton.edu.

Graduate Application for Degree Due
The recommended deadline for the Graduate Application for Degree (GAFD) is Monday, October 31. Timely completion of this form ensures timely completion of degree paperwork.