29 August 2016

the New Cheating Economy

The New Cheating Economy

from the Chronicle of Higher Ed

25 August 2016

Confirm ya enrollment

Fall 2016 Registration and Confirmation of Enrollment for Graduate Students
Please encourage all students to register for Fall 2016 courses as soon as possible. All students – including those who require continuous registration, pre-dissertation, or dissertation credits – must be registered for coursework to be considered active and enrolled. If your department staff is responsible for registering students, we ask that you please complete registration as soon as possible. Early registration ensures accurate enrollment forecasting and reporting. Students who are not registered by the end of the second week of classes must complete Request for Late Add/Drop/Withdraw forms and may have fees or charges. 
Please remind all students to confirm enrollment for Fall 2016 courses via BU Brain (http://my.binghamton.edu) by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 31. If confirmation of enrollment is not completed by the deadline, all courses will be dropped whether or not the semester bill is paid in full.

Just like that famous Bertrand Russell quote

but different

why not

Workshop schedule 2016-17

2016–17 WORKSHOPS*

*Mandatory for all first- and second-year SPEL students other than terminal MA students unless noted.  Everyone else is welcome and/or encouraged to attend. Students going on the market should attend all Fall seminars.

FALL 2016

9 SEPT            Making the Best of Your Graduate School Experience
                        IASH Conference Room (LN-1106)

7 OCT             Attending Colloquia & Conferences
                        IASH Conference Room (LN-1106)

4 NOV             Designing and Writing Your Thesis
                        IASH Conference Room (LN-1106)



Colloquium schedule, 2016-17




FALL 2016

16 SEPT Regina Rini, New York University

14 OCT David Boonin, University of Colorado

11 NOV Lisa Fuller, University at Albany


27 JAN Liam Murphy, New York University

10 FEB Melinda Roberts, The College of New Jersey

10 MAR Chris Lebron, Yale University

31 MAR Ann Cudd, Distinguished Speaker

Boston University

Research Development Specialist

If you want help with external funding ...

Dear colleagues,

Please join me in welcoming our new Research Development Specialist, Kevin Boettcher, who joined the Harpur College staff earlier this summer. Kevin has previously worked with university-wide writing programs at Rice University and at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he taught classes, developed workshops, and provided writing advice for researchers in a variety of fields. He has a Ph.D. in English from UW-Madison, and he was a lecturer in Binghamton's English Department in Spring 2016.

As part of the Harpur Dean's Office staff, Kevin provides support for faculty who are interested in pursuing external funding opportunities. He will work with faculty – both on and off the tenure track – to...
  • Identify and track possible funding opportunities in their fields
  • Discuss tactics for tailoring proposals to specific audiences
  • Make (and stick to) a realistic timeline for writing proposals
  • Connect with other offices on campus that can help develop grant materials
  • Revise proposals using feedback from colleagues and outside reviewers
  • Improve the overall forcefulness and clarity of the prose in all parts of the proposal
Beyond these individual consultations, Kevin will also coordinate workshops, info sessions, and other faculty development events throughout the academic year, with a particular focus on topics of interest for early-career researchers. We will soon send out an announcement about the fall schedule of events.  Additionally, Kevin is available to meet with Harpur graduate students preparing major fellowship and grant applications of their own, as well as with program/department administrators who are considering applying for development or teaching grants for their programs.

If you are interested in working with Kevin, please email him (kboettch@binghamton.edu) to set up an introductory meeting, including your availability and a brief note about your research interests.

Best regards,

23 August 2016

Joel won

Liz Piliero's husband won for portraiture.

from National Geographic, September 2016

Also still on exhibition here:

See also here:

SPEL Orientation is almost here!

summer's finally over! it's about time.

Wednesday, August 24

9:00 am-11:00 am
New Teaching Assistants meet with a few of our current graduate students.  Breakfast provided.
11:30 am-12:30 pm
New students meet with Professor Karnein who will provide an overview of the program and answer any questions.

12:30 pm-2:00 pm
All SPEL students (new and returning) and faculty will meet together. Lunch will be provided.
3:30 pm-5:30 pm
Individual meetings with Professor Karnein (in her office)

20 August 2016

scale must be backwards

that's the only explanation

semester's almost here ...

for now, though ... just the first couple seconds

17 August 2016

parking permits

might as well post this


review of Shay's book

SPELalumna Shay's book reviewed ...

Shay Welch, Existential Eroticism: A Feminist Approach to Understanding Women's Oppression-Perpetuating Choices, 2015, Lexington Books, 227pp., $90.00 (hbk), ISBN 9781498505413.


last week of summer blogging