25 February 2015

National Adjunct Walkout Day

probably should have posted this earlier


SPEL Professional Development Workshop

"Getting Published"

LT-1506 (the Comp Lit Conference Room)

mandatory for all first- and second-year SPEL students; recommended for everyone else

17 February 2015

mass incarceration, decriminalization

Slate has been sort of interesting lately, oddly enough



Brown Bag Lunch


Debra Satz, "Equality, Adequacy, and Education for Citizenship"


LT 1506




provided by the grad students

Creighton Club

The keynote and the date for Fall are set...

Mark your calendars: Kieran Setiya (MIT) will be the keynote speaker for the 2015 meeting of the Creighton Club, which will be held onOctober 17th, 2015  October 17th, 2015 at Syracuse University. You should expect to see a call for papers sometime in the next few months. We hope to see you there,

13 February 2015

GSEU / Professional Development for Grad Students

Article 30 of the GSEU agreement provides funding for Professional Development Program for the following activities:

The funds cover one activity for the period August 28, 2014 to May 20, 2015
Maximum award $1,000 subject to New York State Comptroller's Rules and Regulations and limitations contained therein:

Maybe be used for:
  • Basic, applied or historical research
  • curriculum or instructional material development
  • conference, workshop, or seminar attendance
  • grant proposal development
  • preparation of material for publication
  • artistic or creative endeavors
  • other work related professional development projects include

Within these general categories of support, allowable expenses include:
  • tuition for specialized course work or internship, at the SUNY rate for the course level, provided the course work or internship are not part of the applications degree program
  • registrations fees for conference, workshop, or seminar attendance
  • travel and related expenses (transportation, lodging, meals, etc., subject to New York State travel policy)

Anyone who was on the 28029 Graduate/Teaching Assistant payroll in Fall 2014 and/or Spring 2015 will be able to apply for reimbursement during the month of March for activities during the period of August 28, 2014 through May 20, 2015.
You are being notified ahead of time because in order to qualify for reimbursement,  you must provide ORIGINAL documents/receipts so please begin gathering these documents now.

Please watch for an e-mail from the Graduate School for further details regarding the  program and how to apply.

Spring colloquium schedule, updated

THU MAR 12: Francois Tanguay-Renaud, Osgood Hall Law School, York University
     "To Fill or Not to Fill Individual Responsibility"

THU MAR 19: Lori Gruen, Wesleyan University, TBA

THU APR 2: Julie Markovits, Cornell University, TBA

THU APR 23: Nancy Fraser, New School University, TBA

12 February 2015

Grad App for Degree and Travel Funding

From the Grad school:

Graduate Application For Degree
Do you have a student that will be graduating this spring? The Graduate Application for Degree (GAFD) is open and may be found on our Graduating Students page. Please encourage your students to complete this online form sooner, rather than later, as the automated receipt of completion email contains essential information regarding graduation requirements. The GAFD is due on Friday, March 27.
Travel and Awards
The Graduate School would like to remind graduate programs of the potential assistance available for the traveling graduate student. We recognize the importance of conference and research travel to graduate education. There are several funding sources available by application on the Travel and Research Funds section of our website. Please note that the Clark Fellowship Travel Grant application is also listed on this page and has the same deadlines as the Foundation Travel Grant. Applications are due on Friday, April 3.

02 February 2015

NEH Summer Institute -- Development Ethics and Global Justice

Please note: March 2 deadline approaching for applications (and two letters of reference, for application to the specific Institute below). 
USA-affiliated university, college, and community college faculty and instructors, independent scholars, graduate students and other workers in the knowledge economy may apply to NEH Summer Seminars and Institutes for College and University Teachers. 
Programs (“College and University” tab at): http://www.neh.gov/divisions/education/summer-programs
NEH Institute: Development Ethics and Global Justice: Gender, Economics and Environment
A four week United States National Endowment for the Humanities Institute for College and University Teachers, June 22 - July 17, 2015, Michigan State University
 “Development Ethics and Global Justice: Gender, Economics and Environment” is a four-week National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute, to be held Monday, June 22 to Friday, July 17 2015 on the campus of Michigan State University. It follows upon a similar successful 2013 NEH Institute, “Development Ethics: Questions, Challenges and Responsibilities.” The 2015 Institute will concern matters of global justice with an eye to gender disparity, distributive justice and individual economic opportunity, and our common environmental future. Feminist theory and care ethics, climate change, and women’s economic development in South Asia are particular strengths among guest speakers at the Institute. The post-2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals will provide a focus for our consideration of the ethics and implications of policy concerning human and social development.
NEH Summer Institutes provide intensive collaborative study of texts, topics, and ideas central to undergraduate teaching in the humanities. Summer Institutes aim to prepare NEH Summer Scholars to return to their classrooms with deeper knowledge of current scholarship in key fields of the humanities. Institute co-directors Fred Gifford (Michigan State University) and Eric Palmer (Allegheny College) will gather twenty-five U.S. faculty members at Michigan State University to review the first generation of scholarship and frame the discussion for the next generation. They will work with the guidance of seven visiting speakers and three faculty experts at Michigan State University.
NEH guest speakers: Bina Agarwal, Alison Jaggar, Naila Kabeer, Serene Khader, Christine Koggel, Henry Shue, Asunción Lera St. Clair
Contributing MSU faculty: Stephen Esquith, Paul Thompson, Kyle Whyte
Twenty-five NEH Summer Scholars will participate for the four weeks of the Institute and will pursue individual work connected to the Institute’s subject matter. Scholars receive a $3300 stipend to defray expenses. Applications are encouraged from U.S.-chartered University and College faculty, part-time faculty, independent scholars, and others. Applications are also encouraged from graduate students, three of whom are expected among the participating group of NEH scholars. See the webpage for eligibility requirements. Please contact gifford@msu.edu or epalmer@allegheny.edu for further information. Application deadline: March 2, 2015.