12 December 2015



10 December 2015

"Hunger Games" NYS

who gets the Decker School space?
I think there's some brewpub money in there, too.

A message from President Harvey StengerHide Show
Dear Binghamton University Community,

Today, I’m absolutely thrilled to tell you that the Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council’s (STREDC) proposal has been named a “Best Plan Awardee” in the Upstate Revitalization Initiative.

What does this mean? It means that the Southern Tier will receive $500 million to move forward with a raft of projects to spur our economy – including several projects with major impact for Binghamton University.

Our compelling proposal addresses the key economic development challenges facing our region, with emphasis on industry and manufacturing, agriculture, transportation and tourism. Our integrated approach leverages our regional strengths from Corning, Ithaca and the Greater Binghamton region.

Among the projects with major University impact included in the Southern Tier’s proposal are:
• Funding to rehabilitate 48 Corliss Ave. in Johnson City to move the Decker School of Nursing there, colocated with the already funded School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, a key step for the initiative to establish The Health Sciences and Technology Innovation Park at the center of the Johnson City iDistrict and part of the overarching strategy to build the Greater Binghamton Innovation Ecosystem.
• Funding for a battery dry room for testing and battery research where Distinguished Professor M. Stanley Whittingham and his NorthEast Center for Chemical Energy Storage team will test their current research efforts to maximize battery life and efficiency.
• Initial funding to facilitate growth and expansion of both the University-driven Flexible Printed Electronics Technology Center and an Industrial 3D Printing Center for Product Prototyping and Commercialization, to be colocated at the Huron Campus in Endicott as part of the Endicott Advanced Manufacturing iDistrict.
• Funding to establish secure electronics and advanced manufacturing projects, with Lockheed Martin taking the lead and Binghamton University positioned as one of the key partners.

A number of other projects are also ready for implementation, all expected to benefit the Southern Tier and Binghamton University.

Developing this proposal required extensive time and effort from a large number of individuals, including members of the STREDC Steering Committee and community, business and academic collaborators from across the region, all working to make this plan as competitive as possible.

I’m extremely appreciative of this major undertaking and of the long hours put in by everyone involved. I know that, 20 years from now, people will look at this win as the point when the Southern Tier began its comeback.

Thank you all for your support, and I wish you the happiest of holiday seasons.

Harvey Stenger

03 December 2015

basketball watching for grad students

Basketball Grad Night

To show our appreciation for current graduate students, the Graduate School is offering 125 free tickets for the doubleheader basketball games on Tuesday, December 15, in the Events Center. The women's team is playing Nyack College at 5 p.m., and the men's team is playing St. Francis University at 7:30 p.m. Each student who presents a graduate student ID will receive one ticket; tickets are available at the Graduate School office front desk in Couper Administration Building Room 134, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. The tickets will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. These games will be a perfect stress reliever before finals week. Please help us spread the word and encourage your students to attend!

01 December 2015

Brown Bag Lunch: THU 3 DEC

'Brown Bag' Lunch

topic: David Enoch's "Against Public Reason"
(faculty choice)


food from Moghul

10 November 2015

GOP debate: more welders, fewer philosophers

very far from the stupidest things said, but ...

bonus philosophy reference:


and why does no one point out that the plan (keep wages low to avoid automation to encourage manufacturing jobs to get high wages) is incoherent?

09 November 2015

Challenges of Structural Injustice symposium/workshop

“Challenges of Structural Injustice”

Friday, Nov 20
IASH Conference Room (LN-1106)

An event of the Transdisciplinary Area of Excellence Citizenship, Rights, and Cultural Belonging


9:30 - 10:30am Anja Karnein (Binghamton), “The Problem of Structural Injustice”

10:35 - 11:35am Laura Valentini (London), “The Natural Duty of Justice in Non-Ideal
Circumstances: On the Moral Demands of Institution-Building and

11:50am - 12:50pm Lubna Chaudhry (Binghamton), “The Intersection of Direct Violence
with Structural Violence: The Lives and Experiences of Pakistani

2 - 3pm Mara Marin (Frankfurt/Toronto), “What Domination Can and Cannot Do.

3:05 - 4:05pm Mattias Iser (Binghamton), “Structural Misrecognition?”

4:20 - 5:20pm Serena Parekh (Boston), “The Global Refugee Regime as Structural

5:25 - 6:25pm Bat-Ami Bar On (Binghamton), “Are Refugees Surplus Populations?” Gender Oppression and the Limits of the Notion of Domination“

Human Migration and Border Symposium

Human Migrations And Borders

A Conversation in the Disciplines Symposium


The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities
Library North 1106
November 13-14, 2015

Keynote Speakers: Esra Akcan, Architecture, Cornell University
and Jamie Winders, Geography, Syracuse University

Participants: Karen-edis Barzman, Ana Maria Candela,  Alexander Caviedes, Manas K Chatterji, Bradley Walker Hutchison, Gallya Lahav, Ricardo Larémont, Daniel Levy, Shincha Park, Sabina Perrino, James Shuford, Kent F Schull, Jay Newberry, Dael A Norwood, Takashi Nishiyama,
Sevinç Türkkan, Julia Walker, Tiantian Zheng

The symposium is sponsored by the SUNY Conversations in the Disciplines Program and the Binghamton University Citizenship, Rights, and Cultural Belonging Transdisciplinary Area of Excellence

holy shit Missouri

go Tigers


04 November 2015

SPEL Colloquium: Friday 6 November

Candace Delmas

Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Political Science
Northeastern University

"The ethics of hacktivism"

Fri 6 Nov.

02 November 2015

podcast about Moral Failure

For those who may be interested, there is an hour-long podcast interview with Lisa about Moral Failure now up on New Books in Philosophy. Here's the link:

Gary at IASH

Gary Santillanes, Ph.D. student, will speak on “Progress and Moral Relativism” as part of the IASH Fellows Speaker Series on Wednesday, Nov. 4th from 12:001:00 pm in the IASH Conference Room, LN-1106.  Everyone is welcome!!

26 October 2015

Who's went to SAGP this year

Binghamton participants in the 33rd annual meeting of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy with the

Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science, October 23-25, 2015, at Fordham


Current Graduate Students in SPEL:

Gina Santiago, “Eristic Argumentation and the Limits of Philosophical Discourse in Plato’s Euthydemus”

Nicholas Kreuder, “The Impious and the Philosopher: Impiety Laws in Laws X as a critique of rule by law”

Graduate student in Translation Studies:

Mohammadjafar Shokrollahzadeh, “Contemporary Significance of Farabi’s Views on Language”

Binghamton University Philosophy Ph.D.s:

Shalahudin Kafrawi, now at Hobart and William Smith: Islamic Chair, presented a paper on Islamic Phil

Lewis Trelawny-Cassity, now at Antioch College, “Remarks on Laws 623e, and its Context”

Anne Mamary, now at Monmouth College, “Plato and Mousike: Singing and Dancing the World into


Binghamton Faculty:

Tony Preus, Co-organizer, presented a paper “The Public Face of Philosophy in Magna Graecia: the first

100 years”

Former Philosophy Faculty at Binghamton:

Parviz Morewedge, now at SUNY Old Westbury: Co-organizer; presented paper on Ibn Sina

J. J. Mulhern, now at University of Pennsylvania, “A Note on Professor Heath and Natural Slavery”

SPEL Colloquium: Friday 30 October

Patti Tamara Lenard

Associate Professor
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
University of Ottawa

"Democracies and the power to revoke citizenship"

Fri 30 Oct.

20 October 2015

Spring 2016 course offerings

SPEL Colloquium

11988/PHIL 570Q* SPEL Colloquium Hassoun R 11:45 am--1:05 pm

SPEL seminars:

21101/PHIL 505* Contemporary Ethics Tessman M 1:40 pm--4:40 pm LT-1210 (1st Year Seminar)

Cross-listed w/ Undergrad courses:

xxxxx/PHIL 608A War and Terrorism Iser W 1:40 pm--4:40 pm LT-1210

28774/PHIL 622A (29133/PHIL 480K*) Kant's Metaphysics of Morals Zinkin T 5:50 pm--8:50 pm LT-1210 History and Continental

28773/PHIL 650B (16129/PHIL 480W*) Western Marxism Pensky R 1:40 pm--4:40 pm LT-1210 History and Continental

19 October 2015

SPEL workshop

“Preparing for the Non-Academic Job Market”

with Holly Horn, Assistant Director of the Fleishman Center for Career and Professional Development

the Fleishman Center (UU-133).

This workshop is mandatory for all first-and second-year SPEL students other than terminal MA students unless noted.  Everyone else is welcome to attend if interested.

13 October 2015

regarding the bomb attacks in Turkey

Some students (most from Turkey) are going to have a meeting and a press release on Thursday, October 15th under the Pegasus statue regarding the latest bomb attacks in Ankara. Meeting time is 10.30 am, press release and commemoration will take place at 11.15am.

Following is their announcement:

HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE RECENT MASSACRE IN TURKEY? On October 10th, a Peace Rally that brought together many civil society organizations, revolutionary unions, and progressive and democratic parties was the target of a horrendous terror attack killing 124 and wounding hundreds of people. This attack will go down as one of the bloodiest in the history of Turkish Republic. The goal is to turn Turkey into a country where civil war mongers, sectarians and takfiris [those who declare all others as non-believers] have a free hand. Upon losing its ultimate power in the elections held in June 2015, the AKP (the ruling party) government is now cooperating with fundamentalist Islamist organizations including ISIS, Al-Nusra and Ahrar Al-Sham in order to oppress and exclude all oppositional forces fighting for peace and democracy from the Turkish assembly. Already losing its legitimacy in eyes of the public in Turkey, the future of the AKP is now completely dependent on such organizations. Prime Minister Davutoğlu’s declaration following the horrendous incident stated the obvious: “We have the list of suicide bombers but we cannot arrest them until they get into action.” It is extremely important for the international community to take a firmer stance against the state-supported terrorist attacks on the forces of labor, democracy and peace. Hereby, we encourage international community to express its solidarity and extend their condolences directly to the peoples of Turkey, not to the state representatives who are politically and administratively responsible for this massacre. Today is when everywhere is turned into a field of struggle against this wave of attacks! BARISIN VE DEMOKRASININ SESINI YUKSELTME ZAMANI! 10 Ekim'de emek, barış ve demokrasi güçlerinin Ankara'da düzenlediği miting öncesi, Ulus tren garı önünde bombalı saldırılar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Son alınan bilgilere gore, 500 kişi yaralanmış ve 124 kişi hayatını kaybetmiştir. Bombalı saldırı, barış ve halk için demokrasi talep eden ve AKP diktatörlüğünü reddeden kitleleri hedef almıştır. AKP iktidarının “500 yerli ve milli milletvekili” konusundaki ısrarı, bu saldırının arkasındaki gücü açık bir şekilde göstermektedir. 1 Kasım genel seçimlerine yaklaştığımız bu günlerde muhalif unsurları hedef alan AKP destekli saldırıların devam edeceğini öngörmek zor olmasa da, bugün dayanışma ve AKP iktidarının bu politikalarına karşı sesimizi daha da güçlü bir şekilde yükseltme günüdür. Place: Pegasus Statue (in front of Jazzman) Date: 15 October 2015 Meeting time: 10.30 A.M. Press release and commemoration : 11.15 A.M.

06 October 2015

Spring colloquium schedule

titles TBA, I think.


   4 MAR Bonnie Steinbock, University at Albany

   18 MAR Lisa Fuller, University at Albany

   8 APRIL Randall Curren, University of Rochester

   6 MAY Thomas Christiano, University of Arizona

01 October 2015

in case you're curious

courses go live on Banner on Oct. 23rd.

registration tickets for grad students start on Oct. 30th.

graduate application for degree

Fall 2015 Graduate Application for Degree and Commencement

Do you have a student who will be graduating this Fall? The Graduate Application for Degree (GAFD) form is now open. Please encourage students to complete this form as soon as possible, as the deadline to be included in the Commencement program is Friday, October 30. Timely completion of this form also ensures timely completion of degree paperwork. If students also wish to participate in Commencement this December, please encourage them to visit the Commencement website and complete a participation form.

Graduate Student Speaker at Commencement

If you know a summer 2015 or fall 2015 graduate candidate who would be a wonderful speaker at commencement, please encourage them to apply! A completed application will contain at least: a current résumé or CV, a personal statement that includes information about themselves and why they wish to be given the opportunity to address their graduating class, a completed draft of their speech, and one letter of recommendation from a faculty member. Submit all materials to Jessica Davis at jfwillia@binghamton.eduApplications will be accepted until Tuesday, October 27.

30 September 2015


There are only 9 undergrads in my Kant class. But the last person to register was the 37th.

Clearly the way to interpret this is that there is massive demand to read the Critique of Pure Reason, but abhorrence at reading it with me.

24 September 2015

SPEL Colloquium: FRI 25 SEPT

Hagop Sarkissian

Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Baruch College

"A Confucian Ethics of Influence: Moving Beyond Actions and Persons"

Friday Sept 25th
UUW 324

19 September 2015

brown bag lunch

Thursday, Sept. 24th
IASH Conference Room (LN 1106)
11:45 - 1:00

topic: "Democratic Equality and Political Authority" by Daniel Viehoff

I think someone is bringing food.

dissertation advice

14 September 2015

the natural experiment continues

this is a resumption from this post

So this time, I have two male TA's in my big lecture and this is my guess of the gender breakdown of enrolled students:
64% men, 36% women

(With two female TA's it's been 58/42.)

(I should say: enrollment turns over quite a bit, but not so much this time. Perhaps because classroom seats are so tight all around this semester, the last registrant is about #140 for a 100-seat class. Last time we almost made it to #200.)

12 September 2015

SPEL Colloquium: FRI 11 SEPT

I probably should have posted this *before* the event, but I was looking forward to it too much. Now it goes up for record-keeping purposes.

Jennifer Morton

Assistant Professor of Philosophy
City College/CUNY

"Reasoning Under Scarcity"

Friday, September 11th, 2015
UUW 324

note the new time!

08 September 2015

"How College Sold its Soul to the Market"


Nietzsche, alcoholic beverages

these are just weird

There’s a pertinent Friedrich Nietzsche parable about a ‘madman’ who comes into a town square holding a lighted lantern declaring to the town that he has important news. He tells his story and the people laugh and berate him in disbelief, throwing stones to drive him off. Finally he gives up saying, ‘I have come too soon’’. He drops the lantern, the light goes out, and he departs.
I wondered if my idea of globalization for American Craft too had also come soon.


Amor Fati wine:

news roundup

Brown Bag lunch announcement coming soon, no doubt. Until then, here are some stories.




07 September 2015

31 August 2015

Confirm your enrollment

(I think the blank space is supposed to say "this Friday" or something like that)

Student Records asks all faculty and academic departments to remind students to confirm their enrollment for fall 2015 – a requirement for ALL undergraduate and graduate students.

Students who intend to graduate this semester have the opportunity to submit their Application for Degree simultaneously while confirming their enrollment.

If students do not confirm enrollment via BU BRAIN Self Service by 4:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 4, they will be dropped from all their fall courses. Relaying this information to students will help prevent additional changes to your student roster and reduce the number of students who visit the academic advising departments and dean’s offices to petition re-entry to a course.

they must have meant 'the best'

happy first day of fall semester!

13 August 2015

registration started yesterday

Fall 2015 Registration
Fall 2015 registration for all returning graduate students will re-open on Wednesday, August 12. Please encourage all returning graduate students to register for their courses. If your department is responsible for registering students, we ask that you please complete registration as soon as possible. Advanced registration reduces the demands on students during the beginning of the semester and ensures accurate enrollment forecasting and reporting.

get your parking permit

if you need one


Fall colloquium and workshop schedules

more info to come ...


11 SEPT  Jennifer Morton, City College of New York

25 SEPT  Hagop Sarkissian, Baruch College

30 OCT   Patti Lenard, University of Ottawa

  6 NOV  Candice Delmas, Northeastern University

Professional Development Workshops

10 SEPT Preparing for the Academic Job Market

22 OCT Preparing for the Non-Academic Job Market

19 NOV Constructing a Syllabus

11 August 2015

fledgling goldfinch

fledgling goldfinch learned to fly this summer

what did you do?

06 May 2015

pizza party

Thu 7 May
IASH room

*50 years of service by Tony Preus

29 April 2015

Variations on the Trolley Problem



The Meta-Ethical Problem

There’s an out of control trolley speeding towards Immanuel Kant. You have the ability to pull a lever and change the trolley’s path so it hits Jeremy Bentham instead. Jeremy Bentham clutches the only existing copy of Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals. Kant holds the only existing copy of Bentham’s The Principles of Morals and Legislation. Both of them are shouting at you that they have recently started to reconsider their ethical stances.

24 April 2015

Reeves at IASH on Wed.

April 29, 2015 IASH Fellows' Speaker Series: Anthony Reeves, (Philosophy) Human Rights, Risk, and Responsibility
Who is responsible for protecting human rights?  In a circumstance where multiple institutions (states, corporations, NGOs, international organizations, etc.) can affect the interests that human rights protect, how should we allocate responsibility for protecting those interests?  I examine several types of normative responses to this question with the aim of identifying a principled basis for approaching it.  Tort law has faced a similar problem: who should mitigate specific dangers to legally protected interests in a pervasively risky interactive environment?  Hence, I attempt to draw some lessons from the theory and practice of torts for the purposes of addressing the moral problem posed by human rights.
Wednesday April 29, 2015, 12:00pm, IASH Conference Room (LN 1106)

23 April 2015

all hail

Christopher Morgan-Knapp has been appointed the new Chair of the Philosophy Department, effective August.

bob question

I know you've been wondering: is that your niece on the cover of the current issue of the Journal of the Utah Music Educators' Association?


19 April 2015

SPEL Distinguished Speaker 2015

SPEL Distinguished Speaker 2015

Nancy Fraser

Henry A. and Louise Loeb Professor of Political and Social Science
New School University

"Legitimation Crisis? On the Political Contradictions of Financialized Capitalism"

Thursday, 23 April
5:00 - 7:00pm
UUW 324

dinner reception at the DoubleTree afterwards

The answer is simple

your semi-official SPEL Eurovision preview ...

clearly the winners ...

About Uzari&Maimuna

This year, Belarus sends a duet to the 60th Eurovision Song Contest - Uzari and Maimuna. But how does a pop music composer form a duo with a classically-trained lead violinist? The answer is simple: through their shared love of Lord Of The Rings.
but consider also the translated lyrics of the Finnish entry ...


I'm do it race
I'm do it handscap
I'm do it hostels
I'm do it furging

No coming machine
No it's television
I'm not see you my friend

here are the lyrics of the Israeli entry ...

I'm a golden boy
Come here to enjoy
I'm the king of fun
Let me show you how we do it
I'm a golden boy
Come here to enjoy
And before I leave
Let me show you Tel Aviv

the Spanish video is pretty awesome ...

I'm predicting victory for Latvia, however.

30 March 2015

SPEL Colloquium: THU 2 APR

SPEL Colloquium

Julia Markovits

Associate Professor of Philosophy
Cornell University

"On What it is to Matter"

Thursday, April 2nd
5:00 - 7:00
UUW 324

24 March 2015


pre-registration for Fall 2015 begins on Friday, March 27th.

23 March 2015

Brown Bag: TUE 24 MAR

Brown Bag Lunch

topic: Dale Dorsey, "The Significance of a Life's Shape" (Ethics 2015)


BYO whatever (sharing encouraged)

Hey, look -- Fall courses are live on Banner already

some highlights:

SPEL Colloquium
11988/PHIL 570Q* SPEL Colloquium Hassoun R 11:45 am--1:05 pm
SPEL seminars:
10542/PHIL 508* Social and Political Theory Iser W 5:50 pm--8:50 pm
25701/PHIL 605E On Duties Karnein T 1:40 pm--4:40 pm
27599/PHIL 605R Philosophy of Human Rights  Reeves T 5:50 pm--8:50 pm
27387/PHIL 650E Arendt: The Political Condition Bar On M 1:40 pm--4:40 pm
Cross-listed w/ Undergrad courses:
24439/PHIL 540C Kant's First Critique Guay W 1:40 pm--4:40 pm
Graduate courses cross-listed with Philosophy:
Undergraduate courses that SPEL students may wish to "sit in" on to pass proficiency requirements:
17342/PHIL 201 Plato and Aristotle Preus TR 8:30 am--9:55 am

19 March 2015

SPEL Colloquium: 19 Mar 2015

SPEL Colloquium

"Empathy: A Defense"

Lori Gruen

Professor of Philosophy
Wesleyan University

Thursday, March 19th
UUW 324

09 March 2015

SPEL Colloquium: Thu 12 March

SPEL Colloquium

"To Fill or Not to Fill Individual Responsibility"

Francois Tanguay-Renaud
Osgood Hall Law School, York University

Thursday, March 12th
UUW 324

Marx Madness

find the bracket here:


25 February 2015

National Adjunct Walkout Day

probably should have posted this earlier


SPEL Professional Development Workshop

"Getting Published"

LT-1506 (the Comp Lit Conference Room)

mandatory for all first- and second-year SPEL students; recommended for everyone else

17 February 2015

mass incarceration, decriminalization

Slate has been sort of interesting lately, oddly enough



Brown Bag Lunch


Debra Satz, "Equality, Adequacy, and Education for Citizenship"


LT 1506




provided by the grad students

Creighton Club

The keynote and the date for Fall are set...

Mark your calendars: Kieran Setiya (MIT) will be the keynote speaker for the 2015 meeting of the Creighton Club, which will be held onOctober 17th, 2015  October 17th, 2015 at Syracuse University. You should expect to see a call for papers sometime in the next few months. We hope to see you there,

13 February 2015

GSEU / Professional Development for Grad Students

Article 30 of the GSEU agreement provides funding for Professional Development Program for the following activities:

The funds cover one activity for the period August 28, 2014 to May 20, 2015
Maximum award $1,000 subject to New York State Comptroller's Rules and Regulations and limitations contained therein:

Maybe be used for:
  • Basic, applied or historical research
  • curriculum or instructional material development
  • conference, workshop, or seminar attendance
  • grant proposal development
  • preparation of material for publication
  • artistic or creative endeavors
  • other work related professional development projects include

Within these general categories of support, allowable expenses include:
  • tuition for specialized course work or internship, at the SUNY rate for the course level, provided the course work or internship are not part of the applications degree program
  • registrations fees for conference, workshop, or seminar attendance
  • travel and related expenses (transportation, lodging, meals, etc., subject to New York State travel policy)

Anyone who was on the 28029 Graduate/Teaching Assistant payroll in Fall 2014 and/or Spring 2015 will be able to apply for reimbursement during the month of March for activities during the period of August 28, 2014 through May 20, 2015.
You are being notified ahead of time because in order to qualify for reimbursement,  you must provide ORIGINAL documents/receipts so please begin gathering these documents now.

Please watch for an e-mail from the Graduate School for further details regarding the  program and how to apply.

Spring colloquium schedule, updated

THU MAR 12: Francois Tanguay-Renaud, Osgood Hall Law School, York University
     "To Fill or Not to Fill Individual Responsibility"

THU MAR 19: Lori Gruen, Wesleyan University, TBA

THU APR 2: Julie Markovits, Cornell University, TBA

THU APR 23: Nancy Fraser, New School University, TBA

12 February 2015

Grad App for Degree and Travel Funding

From the Grad school:

Graduate Application For Degree
Do you have a student that will be graduating this spring? The Graduate Application for Degree (GAFD) is open and may be found on our Graduating Students page. Please encourage your students to complete this online form sooner, rather than later, as the automated receipt of completion email contains essential information regarding graduation requirements. The GAFD is due on Friday, March 27.
Travel and Awards
The Graduate School would like to remind graduate programs of the potential assistance available for the traveling graduate student. We recognize the importance of conference and research travel to graduate education. There are several funding sources available by application on the Travel and Research Funds section of our website. Please note that the Clark Fellowship Travel Grant application is also listed on this page and has the same deadlines as the Foundation Travel Grant. Applications are due on Friday, April 3.

02 February 2015

NEH Summer Institute -- Development Ethics and Global Justice

Please note: March 2 deadline approaching for applications (and two letters of reference, for application to the specific Institute below). 
USA-affiliated university, college, and community college faculty and instructors, independent scholars, graduate students and other workers in the knowledge economy may apply to NEH Summer Seminars and Institutes for College and University Teachers. 
Programs (“College and University” tab at): http://www.neh.gov/divisions/education/summer-programs
NEH Institute: Development Ethics and Global Justice: Gender, Economics and Environment
A four week United States National Endowment for the Humanities Institute for College and University Teachers, June 22 - July 17, 2015, Michigan State University
 “Development Ethics and Global Justice: Gender, Economics and Environment” is a four-week National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute, to be held Monday, June 22 to Friday, July 17 2015 on the campus of Michigan State University. It follows upon a similar successful 2013 NEH Institute, “Development Ethics: Questions, Challenges and Responsibilities.” The 2015 Institute will concern matters of global justice with an eye to gender disparity, distributive justice and individual economic opportunity, and our common environmental future. Feminist theory and care ethics, climate change, and women’s economic development in South Asia are particular strengths among guest speakers at the Institute. The post-2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals will provide a focus for our consideration of the ethics and implications of policy concerning human and social development.
NEH Summer Institutes provide intensive collaborative study of texts, topics, and ideas central to undergraduate teaching in the humanities. Summer Institutes aim to prepare NEH Summer Scholars to return to their classrooms with deeper knowledge of current scholarship in key fields of the humanities. Institute co-directors Fred Gifford (Michigan State University) and Eric Palmer (Allegheny College) will gather twenty-five U.S. faculty members at Michigan State University to review the first generation of scholarship and frame the discussion for the next generation. They will work with the guidance of seven visiting speakers and three faculty experts at Michigan State University.
NEH guest speakers: Bina Agarwal, Alison Jaggar, Naila Kabeer, Serene Khader, Christine Koggel, Henry Shue, Asunción Lera St. Clair
Contributing MSU faculty: Stephen Esquith, Paul Thompson, Kyle Whyte
Twenty-five NEH Summer Scholars will participate for the four weeks of the Institute and will pursue individual work connected to the Institute’s subject matter. Scholars receive a $3300 stipend to defray expenses. Applications are encouraged from U.S.-chartered University and College faculty, part-time faculty, independent scholars, and others. Applications are also encouraged from graduate students, three of whom are expected among the participating group of NEH scholars. See the webpage for eligibility requirements. Please contact gifford@msu.edu or epalmer@allegheny.edu for further information. Application deadline: March 2, 2015.

27 January 2015

SPEL Colloquium: THU 29 JAN

Pablo Gilabert

Associate Professor of Philosophy
Concordia University

"Labor Human Rights and Human Dignity"

Thursday, January 29th

Confirmation of enrollment

IMPORTANT:  If you have not already done so, please confirm your enrollment for your Spring semester courses.  If you do not confirm your enrollment via the BU BRAIN by 4:30 p.m., Friday, Jan. 30, you will be dropped from all spring 2015 courses.

26 January 2015

Paper submissions are open for APA Eastern 2016

The online paper submission system is now open for members to submit their papers to be considered for the 2016 Eastern Division meeting. The meeting will be held January 6 to January 9 in Washington, DC.
Click here to submit your paper. Papers in any area are welcome. The paper submission deadline is 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on February 17.
Eastern Division paper submission guidelines are available on the APA website. There are a number of changes to the submission guidelines that authors need to take note of. These are listed on both the paper submission guidelines page and on the paper submission site. Please contact us with any questions regarding the submission process.
To submit a paper or to participate in the meeting program, authors must be current members of the APA. Please be sure to renew your APA membership.
There are two sources of financial support for junior members of the association who submit papers for this year’s meeting program.
  • Graduate students submitting papers for the upcoming Eastern Division meeting should be aware that a stipend of $300 will be awarded to each qualifying graduate student whose paper is accepted by the program committee in its normal anonymous review process. See the paper submission guidelines for details.

  • The Eastern Division will also award the William James Prize, which includes a $300 honorarium, to the best paper in the area of American philosophy that meets the criteria of the prize as described on the APA website.
Only current APA members are eligible for graduate student stipends and the William James Prize. Renew your membership now.