26 May 2014



here's a quote:

But female adjuncts, in my experience, often find themselves in a particularly precarious position: part-teacher, part-guidance counselor, part-confessorthey are filling roles related to mental health and general wellbeing that they are in no way qualified to fill. 

my free advice: don't do this.

Over the course of a ten-week class,I play the role of therapist, priest, mentor, and friend.

17 May 2014

some advice for those interested in teaching at a community college

not sure how useful it is.

from Inside Higher Ed:

First, make sure that any grad student with potential designs on a teaching institution gets experience teaching online. Preferably more than once, and with some sort of mentoring or support.


Second, and you should already be doing this anyway, train your people in ADAA compliance and universal design.  They should know that it’s not just a matter of sending copies of an exam to the testing center for extra time when they get a note from the relevant office.  It’s about consciously designing classes and other learning experiences to be accessible to everyone from the outset.  That means, for instance, ensuring that any textbooks used are accessible even before ordering them.  It means ensuring that any videos you use in class or online are captioned.  It means a host of small details that make a real difference to students, and that make a real difference in job interviews.

Read more: http://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/confessions-community-college-dean/open-letter-graduate-program-directors#ixzz31x83eWyN
Inside Higher Ed 

13 May 2014

best website ever


finally my suspicions about Nicholas Cage films and the per capita consumption of cheese confirmed


made my own


12 May 2014

07 May 2014

random linkage



["Why Some M.B.A.s Are Reading Plato"]