30 March 2011

sexual harassment in philosophy




28 March 2011


more than a dozen people have responded to my last post to the listserv, and no one has replied to the listserv!

go SPEL!

Colloquium reminder

this THURSDAY (31 March):

Shoni Rancher
"Critical Humility and Critical Confidence in the Dialectical Demands of Non-Foundationalist Ethics"

commenter: Lacey Anderson

usual time, usual place

belated congratulations

to Tansy, for finishing her M.A.

to Fernando, for the Rutger Summer Institute thing

probably forgetting some others ...

new hire

introducing ...

Tony Reeves!

21 March 2011

too much effort?

the committee thing does sound annoying:


16 March 2011

Asian hordes

who let them into her university?




why does no one combine the autotune with the dubstep?

colloquium reminder

Professor Christopher Gowans
Fordham University

"Well-Being and Tranquility: A Modest Defense of an Ancient Idea"

Thu 17 Mar
UUW 324

11 March 2011


to j marsh, whose paper

"'Difficult Questions': Singularity and Particularity in Cohen and Levinas,"

was accepted by Continental Philosophy Review

09 March 2011

colloquium reminder

tomorrow (10-mar):

Anna Gotlib
"Ars Oblivionalis:  Memory Modification, Identity, and Restorative Justice"

J Armstrong to comment

UUW 324

07 March 2011

what someone tells his graduate students

most viewed on the Chronicle:


more career options for philosophy grad students

... become Errol Morris


also: best paper comments ever

 The paper might have been 30 or so double-spaced pages. Kuhn’s reply, typed on unlined yellow paper, was 30 pages, single-spaced, with Courier marching all the way from the left to the right side of the paper. No margins. He was angry, really angry. 

He had written at the very end of his comments, “You have long since passed the end of the road on which you began.” I asked, “What is that supposed to mean? I’m 24 years old.” He said that I was a “good” first-year graduate student but would become “less good” in subsequent years.

SPELblog post #100!

03 March 2011

Colecchio Travel Award

Binghamton University

The Rosa Colecchio Travel Award for Dissertation Research Enhancement

Programs are invited to encourage students to apply for the Rosa Colecchio Travel Award for Dissertation Research Enhancement.  Only doctoral students who have been admitted to candidacy are eligible to apply.  The travel award must enhance the dissertation in a way that would not be accomplished otherwise.  Supported activities may include travel for research dependent upon:

* library materials not obtainable through regular channels
* archival materials
* other original source materials
* techniques, equipment, and methodologies not available on this campus
* opportunities to carry out extraordinary field research

This program cannot be used for travel to a professional meeting.

Applicants may request up to $300.  one or more awards, depending on availability of funds, are made each year.  Requests are reviewed by an Advisory committee of faculty appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School.  Awards are based on consideration of well-presented and justified need, and the merit of the project.  Application forms are available on the Graduate School website.

Applications are due in the Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School by March 26.

Awards are announced April 20.

This program is funded through an endowment established by the family of Rosa Romano Colecchio with the Binghamton University Foundation.

Levinas conference

North American Levinas Society

We are pleased to announce the following confirmed plenary speakers:
• Robert Bernasconi (Penn State University)
• Adriaan Peperzak (Loyola University, Chicago)
• Lisa Guenther (Vanderbilt University). Professor Guenther’s talk is generously sponsored by Société Internationale de Recherche Emmanuel Levinas (SIREL)
We are also pleased to announce that Georges Hansel will again deliver his annual TalmudicReading. Continuing in the tradition of Levinas’s Talmudic readings, which he delivered at the annual colloquia of French speaking Jewish intellectuals in Paris, Prof. Hansel’s readings have become a celebrated tradition of our conferences.  Additionally, we will have a Scholar's session honoring the work of Alphonso Lingis (Penn State, emeritus).  Steven Shankman (University of Oregon) will give the presentation for the  Levinas and pedagogy session. 
For more information contact Claire Katz (ckatz@philosophy.tamu.edu) and/or visit the conference website: http://philosophy.tamu.edu/Events/NALS-2011/index.html

02 March 2011

SPEL workshop tomorrow

tomorrow's topic is

"Attending Conferences and Getting Published"

mandatory for 1st year students

Graduate Application for Degree

expecting to get a degree in Spring 11?

you were supposed to do this a couple weeks ago:
